Android Question Using .aar library with JavaObject


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How can I use an .aar Library inside my B4A project?

I've already added #AdditionalJar, but now, I want to call the methods of the Library.

#AdditionalJar: libposdigital-1.4.0-2-release.aar


Licensed User
Longtime User
Thank You!

I will try now!


I have tried following this tutorial, but, when I'm running the project, I'm facing this error:

I've searched this error and found this Desugar solution by Erel.

1 - Get Sample Project in B4J that implements the Desugar process;
2 - Configure the variables and paths to correct files;
3 - merged.jar was successfully created;

What should I have to do now?

Put the merged.jar in Libraries folder and use it as #AdditionalJar?
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