Share My Creation Weather4Cast

I released a new app to view weatherforecast for the next 5 days on the play store.

It is mean to be a very simple weather app.
No widgets, notifications etc.
Just clean clear fast weather.

The feed is driven by
Special thanks to HotShoe, NJDude, XverhelstX and all the guys on the chat.

Please let me know if you see any issues.

Screenshot_2013-12-24-22-32-16.png Screenshot_2013-12-24-22-33-04.png Screenshot_2013-12-24-22-33-17.png Screenshot_2013-12-24-22-32-18.png


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Nice app.

Just wondering if you are willing to share some of the code?

I would like to find out how you are searching for a location and displaying it in the list?
I can't seem to see on the weather site a list of locations that you can search for unless you are creating the list using some other service or database.

Are you able to help me out with the searching for a location ?


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very nice 5 stars from me.

some things to repair

text are not showing correct


after i choose my city


i think you should direct me to the main page and not back to selection screen and second thing is maybe you should disable the possibility to press the buttons if the panels (location or the second panel is in the front)
i can still press the buttons if i am in the location screen

put more options for every day if i press the day maybe can get information for the weather in the morning, afternoon and night

but really nice app :)


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very nice 5 stars from me.

some things to repair

text are not showing correct

View attachment 21500

after i choose my city

View attachment 21501

i think you should direct me to the main page and not back to selection screen and second thing is maybe you should disable the possibility to press the buttons if the panels (location or the second panel is in the front)
i can still press the buttons if i am in the location screen

put more options for every day if i press the day maybe can get information for the weather in the morning, afternoon and night

but really nice app :)
Thank you for the feedback.
I tried fixed to text not showing correctly on the buttons. Can you tell me which device you have?
I think there was too much text on the button, for now I decreased the font size and changed the typeface. If it doesnt work, I will need some kind of scaling method or just reduce the text.

About directing back to the selection screen, I prefer not to. I had too much confusion with many cities having the same name, and I want to make sure the user makes a conscious choice of the city being selected rather than making the choice for him (even if there is only one item in the list). This is just a UX decision I like to keep.

I fixed the ability to press the buttons behind the panel. (Although I thought it was a cool easter egg!)

im not really intersted in creating a very detailed weather app, there are too many out there and not worth the effort.

Do let me know if the new version fixes the formatting issues (Might be available in a couple of hours).

Thanks a lot for the feedback and the rating :)


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Perfect, didn't even see that. Now I just need to play around and work out how to parse the XML or the JSON feed and get the values.

Look forward in seeing the code when you release it.
Sorry for the slow response on this. I havent had much time to work on this.
Recently I overcomplicated more things in the feed class trying to fix some things.
I believe it still requires a lot of work, but here is the class that fetches the weather and parses it.


  • WeatherFeed.bas
    8.3 KB · Views: 516


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Sorry for the slow response on this. I havent had much time to work on this.
Recently I overcomplicated more things in the feed class trying to fix some things.
I believe it still requires a lot of work, but here is the class that fetches the weather and parses it.
That's a fantastic start and I also learnt how to do something else that I have been trying to learn as well.

Regarding the text not showing correctly on the button, this is fine on my Android device (Sony Xperia Z).


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Can you tell me which device you have?


i am using Galaxy 2 Plus, screen size 4.7 " *i think :)* android 4.1.2

i found one more thing

if i change between Celsius and Fahrenheit the the symbols are changing that could not be that if its Celsius its cloudy and if its fahrenheit its sunny????

it should only change the value not the images



i see now that on sun29 its also changing the wheater... from moderate rain to heavy...

and the text is also to long

you should use the Autotextsize Label check it out here


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I think that is supposed to be a moon. In the minute it took you to change setting, it got dark.


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i am using Galaxy 2 Plus, screen size 4.7 " *i think :)* android 4.1.2

i found one more thing

if i change between Celsius and Fahrenheit the the symbols are changing that could not be that if its Celsius its cloudy and if its fahrenheit its sunny????
The sun/moon icon both mean 'sky is clear' i.e. no clouds or rain.
However, I noticed the same thing, weirdly changing the units seems to also change the time when night/day is detected!
It seems sunset was around 16.43 in Haifa, so I think it should show the moon. This is an issue with the API :( something I will have to test and report to them. Unfortunately at this time it seems the only place i can find a sunset at this time is Alaska, and its always snowing there!

i see now that on sun29 its also changing the wheater... from moderate rain to heavy...
that is the feed as well :(
Maybe it is just inaccurate...or some caching/updating issue

and the text is also to long
you should use the Autotextsize Label check it out here
I will fix this. I cant use Autotextsize label as I need all the labels to have the same size but I can use the same principal
I dont know why my layouts look so bad on an S2...I have been testing on an S3.
Is the text too large, do you think I should scale it down? Or just use two lines?


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Is the text too large, do you think I should scale it down? Or just use two lines?

no i dont think you should make the text smaller
what you can do is:

check after filling the label if the textlength is bigger the "X" and if yes animat it
what i mean is the text should go from right to left animated like in all mp3 apps where the title of the song is to long its walking from right to left

and like this the user see the whole information

i think make the text smaller or 2 lines is not very nice but its your choice

good luck :)


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