Android Question webview behaves differently than android stock browser


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in webview while inputting textbox in form, the focus textbox does not scroll above virtual keyboard. the webview position remains same. hence textbox are sometimes beneath keyboard and not visitble at all.

but in android stock browser page scroll automatically to show focus text box above keyboard.

is there any solution for this.


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i tried to bring webview to front in ime heightchanged event. but this hides keyboard completely. not really result i am looking for.

i need page to scroll, so textbox is above keyboard. and both textbox and keyboard are visible.

i tried WebViewXtender scrollby function to scroll webview for difference of oldheight and newheight values in heightchanged event. but scrollby is not working. only scrollto function is working, but it needs absolute x and y position. which is not possible to calculate by difference of oldheight and newheight value.
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I have the same problems. What do you mean by pusing to the top? Do you mean to the front or something else?

Any solutions?
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Licensed User
Longtime User
I have the same problems. What do you mean by pusing to the top? Do you mean to the front or something else?

Any solutions?

Use IME Library to add AddHeightChangedEvent

then in sub IME_HeightChanged(NewHeight As Int, OldHeight As Int)
resize webview height = New Height

this will reduce webview height to space remaining in screen (total screen height - keyboard height)
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