What professional programming tools do you use?

What professional programming tools do you use?

  • Online Repositories (Git)

    Votes: 4 57.1%
  • Diff Tools (Meld)

    Votes: 2 28.6%
  • Kanban Boards (Jira)

    Votes: 1 14.3%
  • Other (Please specify)

    Votes: 4 57.1%

  • Total voters


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Online repositories, diff tools, planning boards, and so on...

Me: I can't live without Meld and Notepad++. Recently I've started to use GitLab as well.


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A notepad!


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total commander as main tool (also has visual diff on text/binary files and folder diff/sync built-in by the way ;) )

notepad2Mod based on the notepad2 by Flo but with codefolding and autocomplete of anything already in the document is set as Total Commander editor.
As it's extremely lightweight and doesn't require an install it's ideal to put on servers aswell.

B4J to generate editors, custom data formats, data packers etc


Licensed User
Longtime User
- b4x
- gimp
- audacity
- windows paint brush
- windows calculator
- adobe illustrator
- adobe photoshop
- notepad++
- tiled
- reflector 2
- MEmu

Online repositories:
- youtube
- opengameart.org
- iforce2d.net
- stackoverflow.com
- b4x.com


Licensed User
Longtime User
Once you try it, it will stick with you!

It helps you compare (and edit) side-by-side the changes you made to your source code.

For example:
- You had a stable version last Monday and yesterday you decided to upgrade your collision detection and while you were at it, you decided to rewrite the game logic from single-threaded into multi-threaded. The collision detection thing went well, but you broke the game and now it doesn't even launch anymore.
- Your last backup was made before those two changes.
- You want to keep the new collision detection, but get rid of the multi-threaded changes to the code.
- Meld will help you selectively remove the unwanted changes by comparing the current version against its backup, line-by-line.


Licensed User
Longtime User
No, Meld just compares. For backup purposes you can use a git repository.
I use gitlab and just to be safe, I also zip my entire project and store it in the Dropbox.

Git is hard to learn, but it does allow you a lot of control over your workflow...


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Beyond Compare is great but not free. WinMerge was good too.

To nitpick, you should separate VCS from Online repos.
I've used git and gitlab (for private stuff) and github (for public stuff). Altassian's SourceTree is a decent git tool, but i wasnt at home with it.

Trello is good as a kanban board.

BitReplica for backups.

Cant remember what else but developing on windows is a pain. Development on linux is much easier.


Licensed User
Longtime User
How about diff tools to compare source codes? Any?

as mentioned in my first post I use total commander for it. just select one file in the left pane, the other in the right and then files > compare by content.
for folder structures you just use Commands > Sync dirs and you get some options screen.
Maybe not all the best but still easier and faster in handling than installing a dozen apps to get the same result.

Edit: the power of the tool above is knowing it's shortcuts and only using the keyboard.
(easy for the Norton/Volkov/Star Commander users since it's all based on NC)

if I don't forget I do a file > export to zip after a new published version and store it in the project subfolder name published that hods subdirs like 1.37 with the apk & zip in it.

this is all in a dropbox folder so auto synced to the computers where I work on,
at home there's still a seperate auto backup done with SyncBack of this and other data to an USB disk.
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Well-Known Member
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My tools:

- Typora (Amazing Markdown Editor)
- Atom (Cross Platform Text Editor)
- B4X (Migrated from VB.NET to Xojo and then finally to B4X)
- Audacity
- GitHub for Desktop (Will be migrating to GitKraken since it's cross platform.)

- PixelMator
- iMovie

- GitHub


Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
aaaahhhhh. for b4x playing

Beyond Compare - It costs but is the Mercedes Benz of compare tools. Worth the money
Notepad++ - Nice!
Snagit. - again, It costs but is the Mercedes Benz of screen capture, screen recording. Worth the money
Git, Gitlab using git tortoise, FREE!
FastKeys - http://fastkeys.vze.com/ - A Great GUI for https://www.autoitscript.com/site/autoit/
SyncBack - http://www.2brightsparks.com/freeware/freeware-hub.html, I run in 2 modes, mirror and just backup to a local server. FREE!!!
SQliteStudio - http://sqlitestudio.pl/ WOW!!! FREE!!!

My job is .NET and that is another story. :)

I miss XTree... :(

But, Knowing the command line is a MUST for tools.