Android Question Where can I find B4XPages FTP guide


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Erel has suggested I use B4XPages due to issues with unreliable FTP. Where can I find examples of this as all the stuff I find relates to earlier versions of B4X?


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Licensed User
Longtime User
There’s no examples with B4xPages + FTP, what Erel is trying to tell you is with B4XPages you will have less problems due to activity resume, create, pause ... which may cause problems with FTP disconnections, reconnections, etc...

The other way to avoid this, is using a service
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Licensed User
Longtime User
There’s no examples with B4xPages + FTP, what Erel is trying to tell you is with B4XPages you will have less problems due to activity resume, create, pause ... which may cause problems with FTP disconnections, reconnections, etc...

The other way to avoid this, is using a service
I am converting a B4A app to B4XPages precisely for the many advantages of these. One of the reasons is that I'm able to do without a service that was instead indispensable without the B4XPages!!!

Today, with B4XPages, the only reason to use a service, perhaps, is to make (almost) sure that the S.O. don't kill the app.

If you create a nice B4XPage that handles every FTP command and event, you won't have any problems.
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