iOS Question why dont we use ios emulators for windows?


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as a windows users, for test any ios app we must register with Apple as an iOS developer (costs $99 per year) and we need a ipad or iphone . why dont we use ios emulators for windows?


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hi erel,
i want to buy developer account for 1 year with 99 $ as you say. but i cant find any link for it. when i began to buy with 99$, but it cost about 72$ for membership cost. what is this. TR 276 = $ 72.


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that's a cost that comes back every year. it's to use their services and the itunes app store to spread your apps.

it seems that you get a discount or something. usually apple just changes the currency symbol so $99 suddenly becomes €99. That's a nice $19 profit trick.
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hi erel
thanks your rapid response.
you mean if i pay that TR 272 it is ok to be a apple developer . am i right?
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279 TL başka bir şey için midir yoksa. hem bunu hemde 99 dolar ödemeyim
Hayır ödemeniz gereken 279 Lira , Erel'in söylediği 99 Dolar . Türkiye için fiyat bu. Onu ödediğinizde olay bitiyor.

( sorry to use Turkish , tango asks if the 279 TL is the amount we have to pay the developer account because it is not $99 , and I have responded that for Turkey , the price is 279 TRY which is around $75. )
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