iOS Question Will Apple allow this app?


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A few months ago a client tasked me with creating an iPhone app that, when opened, takes the user to the client's web site. That's all it does. Apple rejected the app. I understand why.

Minimum necessary background into: The client's web site is database driven and works similar to Craigs List.

Fast forward. Now the client and I would like to make an app that displays ads from the same database that drives the web site and the app allows users to sort the information.

My client is concerned that Apple will not allow this app onto the app store. Should I be concerned? It seems to me obvious that this will be enough. BUT my client wants assurance, preferably from Apple, if possible.

I'm off to try to find where at Apple I can ask this question.


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You cant get an assurance from apple. It is not possible and i am %99 sure about this. All you can do is put it to appstore and try.
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