[Wish]Make AndroidManifest is easier


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Hi Erel,
As I'm one of un-expert man group. I need to see B4A made easier as your slogan "No Java programing No XML Coding" ,I 've the idea which you have ever done with your B4A. That is showing the message "uncomment block of line number x-xx" ,Please to see my picture below.

P.S. Un-Expert man couldn't do as same as the group of Expert Man.

Best Regards
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In most cases you do not need to do anything with the manifest file. In the cases where you do need (AdMob for example) all you need to do is copy the code from the tutorial and paste it in the manifest editor.

I don't see how it can be easier...

If you were me, you don't do yourself,you must always ask someone do these problems. B4A should has some tool for help as same as Google's Android APIs.

Best Regards


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B4A has lots of help options just look at the documentation page, when it comes to the manifest, unless you have something specific in mind, it is not usually necessary to change it. When you do want to it is very similar to standard Android. Some things won't be easy to convert, and some may require too much effort to make it worthwhile. If you can find a solution for your problem on Android developers or anywhere else on the internet, you can ask on the forum (B4A's biggest help asset) how to implement it.

That's how un-expert man becomes expert man.

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Hi all,
Is there way to use XMLBuilder Lib to change Android Manifest automatically? (Example in case using Admob Lib.)

Best Regards


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Is there way to use XMLBuilder Lib to change Android Manifest automatically? (Example in case using Admob Lib.)

I still don't understand what is difficult with copying the following text and pasting in the manifest editor ??
 <activity android:name="com.google.ads.AdActivity"

It is clearly explained in the tutorial.


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I still don't understand what is difficult with copying the following text and pasting in the manifest editor ??
 <activity android:name="com.google.ads.AdActivity"

It is clearly explained in the tutorial.

Hi Erel,
I'm sorry that I don't know about coding codes for pasting in manifest which where I get them. How do I know as same as the expert man's know. I think them are not in documentation page. I must found them in another some where.

P.S. I love B4A is not less than yours,I wish to see it that is easy for everybody.

Best Regards
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My understand is

Hi Erel,
Refer this,I think that I must do these,is it right?

1.) just before the tag </application> add the AdMob activity:
<activity android:name="com.google.ads.AdActivity" android:configChanges="keyboard|keyboardHidden|orientation"/>

2.) just before the tag </manifest> add these permissions (if they are not already set):

            <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
            <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE"/>

Best Regards
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refer to This

Hi All,
Could we have Android Manifest tool like in website's refers? I think this way is easier than we have. Is
probably,I need supported more languages as same as Dave's B4A Object Browser.
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Hi Theera,

refer to This

Hi All,
Could we have Android Manifest tool like in website's refers? I think this way is easier than we have. Is
probably,I need supported more languages as same as Dave's B4A Object Browser.

I'm one of un-expert man too :D, but i think we doesn't need such tool in B4A app development. We only have to copy and paste the required manifest code of some library from the library tutorial page to Manifest Editor (located at Project - Manifest Editor, not manually open the real manifest file and edit it), B4A Manifest Editor will automatically generate the manifest file. It's very easy and simple for me.

Until now i have absolutely zero knowledge of java and xml coding but still i can develop android app with B4A :D


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Hi capisx,

i think we doesn't need such tool in B4A app development

It's only my proposal. Don't be seriously. B4A is developped since we have differents. Many my threads have no answers back.
Now,I 've tried to understand it in my website
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Hi Theera,

:sign0013: I don't take it seriously bro, that's just my opinion only and no offense. I'm very sorry if i my comment hurt you. sometimes it's hard for me to share my thought clearly in english.