B4J Question xCLV with CLVExpandable Showing Multiple Items when Expanded


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I have an xCLV that uses a CLVExpandable class. Everything works the way it should in B4A, but not in B4J.
The problem in B4J is: If there are 2 items under the title, the expansion shows the 2nd one over top the first item with a slight offset. If there are, say 11 items to expand to, there will be 10 items and the 11th is on top of the first shown item. I use the same configuration for both items layouts for B4A and B4J. See both types of displays. It is a B4XPages project.
Both B4A and B4J use the same CLVExpandable class, the same code and very similar layouts. I tried to play around with the layouts to no avail. Thank you.

The 1st is B4J and the 2nd is B4A.

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