
  1. F

    Android Question B4A deletes the banner image

    I am following these steps to create and upload an Android TV App - https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/android-tv-with-b4a.138432/ But when I try to build the app or even debug it for some reason B4A deletes de banner picture and I get this error does anybody know why B4A deletes this...
  2. J

    Android Question Confused about object types: B4J vs B4A

    B4X newbie here. I've worked my way thru the first part of B4X Getting Started V2.4, and have the MyFirstProgram working on my Windows 11 computer. Next step is to try the same program in B4A. I am into step 3.3.3 where it will not run as per instructed on p.45. That's when I noticed there are...
  3. G

    B4J Question Using jchart class library to dynamically obtain pie chart data from database, what is the problem?

    Wait For (req.ExecuteQuery(cmd, 0, Null)) JobDone(j As HttpJob) If j.Success Then req.HandleJobAsync(j, "req") Wait For (req) req_Result(res As DBResult) req.PrintTable(res) 'PIE CHART PieChart.Initialize("PC") PieChart.Title = "Pie Chart"...
  4. G

    B4J Question java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "null" Why is there an error when data can be found in the database? Thank you

    [CODE lang="b4x" title="java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "null"" highlight="java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "null""]Call B4XPages.GetManager.LogEvents = True to enable logging B4XPages events. Tag: null, Columns: 3, Rows: 1 BUMEN FEIYONGGUIJI jine...
  5. G

    B4J Question How to set variable values in JOSON files and What are the types of types in the Joson file? THANKS

    B4XTable1.AddColumn(Main.b & "月份计划", B4XTable1.COLUMN_TYPE_TEXT) { "title": "12月份计划", "type": "Text", "key": "12月份计划", "required": true },
  6. mohsen programmer

    Android Question Send SMS

    I added this function to my project: Sub SendMultipartTextMessage(Number As String, Message As String, SubscriptionId As Int) Dim r As Reflector r.Target = r.RunStaticMethod("android.telephony.SmsManager", "getSmsManagerForSubscriptionId", Array As Object(SubscriptionId), Array As...
  7. A

    Android Question Share the same database (SQLite) for different applications

    Good afternoon, I need to share the same database (SQLLIte) on the same device by two different applications. I tried using File.DirRootExternal but it doesn't work... can anyone help me? Thanks in advance
  8. L

    Android Question How to draw a Path with GoogleMaps Library?

    in this code i draw a simple line on the map, but i want draw a Path, how can i do? ' Aggiunta di un marker sulla mappa Dim lat As Double = DR_VISITE.GetString("Latitudine") Dim lng As Double = DR_VISITE.GetString("Longitudine") Dim RAGSOCCLI As String =...
  9. L

    Android Question Polyline not error but not showing

    I have this code and all work perfectly, only the polyline not showing....how can i do? ' Aggiunta di un marker sulla mappa Dim lat As Double = DR_VISITE.GetString("Latitudine") Dim lng As Double = DR_VISITE.GetString("Longitudine") Dim RAGSOCCLI As String =...
  10. F

    Android Question XUIViews having issues with MODBUS TCP?

    Hello team, i have i little strange issue, the thing is when im trying to compile my app, gets me this error when this XUIViews Library is active Dex merge Error Error in C:\Android\tools\..\extras\b4a_local\unpacked-modbustcp-63803597595704\dex_v1\modbustcp.zip:classes.dex: Type...
  11. B

    Android Question Dropbox refresh code

    Hello, I have just managed to get my app to access my Dropbox folders, download a file, make changes and then upload that file. All working well. Came back a day later and found the token had expired. After some research I realize the short term token is for testing and only last 4 hours...
  12. W

    Bug? B4XFont declared without value assigned to it doesn't show a compiler error

    See the comments in the code. The compiler warning disappears; I found this out with a B4XPages project that was first developed in B4J (with an Arial font, assigned in a conditional "#If B4J" block). B4A didn't complain about the font variable (which was declared unconditionally) not having...
  13. Guenter Becker

    B4A Library List of TD_ CustomViews, Modules, Classes and Services

    All Listed CustomView, Modules, Classes and Services are part of our B4A Development at prestent and in future. All not Listed CustomView, Moduls, Classes and Services are outdated and not longer supported! B4A CustomViews, Modules, Classes...
  14. Guenter Becker

    B4A Class Convert DateTime, Graphic, Boolean, Units

    Version: 1.1/2023 The Module contains functions to convert formats or units to be needed in the daily life of software development as followes: Convert Date or Time Values into B4x-Ticks or ISO8601 Format. Convert Boolean True/False into Integer 1/0 and reverse. Convert Decimal Point from...
  15. jessicalal

    Android Question Sdk manager

    Can I know I have installed all items from sdk manager b4a
  16. K

    Share My Creation GeoMetrics : Land Measure App

    Hello everyone. This is a newly published Android app developed using B4A. It is a land measurement mobile app utilizing Google Maps and FusedLocationProvider. The app supports two types of measurement: Land Measure Path Measure (Distance) Users can employ three different measurement methods...
  17. jessicalal

    Android Question B4a test

    Can I know how to connect my b4a bridge with In nox player and how to run I search Google everything still not able to run any video or steps explanations can I get links please help me out
  18. M

    Android Question Start activity in service when screen locked android10+

    Hi everyone I am trying to make an app that will start activity even if the screen is locked with password when a specific text message is received. I'm using service intent filter for sms receiveing and it work fine when phone is on Tank's for any help
  19. jessicalal

    Android Question Add button and update button and delete buttons

    Hello can I have coding and user interface for this button please Add button and update button and delete buttons and how to do it this button in database sqllite please Thank you
  20. DoctorDebug

    Android Question Sharing files on Android

    Hi, I did see a lot written about accessing files in various places, but they seem at least a year old and I am hoping there is a good solution. There is another system transferring files via ftp to the phone. My B4A app needs to pick those files up and transfer the relevant ones to another...