
  1. Alexander Stolte

    Wish [B4X] xCustomListView Over-Scroll Support

    Hello, An important feature would be the overscroll functionality. With an Integer Output of the overscroll. Source With this, you can then easily create a nice load animation, like Instagram, if you pull the list down slowly or a nice easter egg under the list ;) . (thats my plans with this...
  2. Lucas Siqueira

    Android Question how to put the event drag and drop in XCustomListView?

    Hello, my name is Lucas and I'm from Brazil, I'm having difficulties in putting the drag and drop event in XCustomListView?
  3. Maodge

    Android Question [solved]Why XCustomListView display incorrect , CustomListview display right

    hi, i'm confuse of XCustomListView and CustomListview. in project using CustomListview, add items code is For i = 0 To 29 Dim colors1 As Int Dim csb As CSBuilder colors1 = Colors.RGB(Rnd(0,255),Rnd(0,255),Rnd(0,255)) csb.Initialize.Color(colors1).Append("#...
  4. aeric

    Android Question [SOLVED] Disable overscroll in xCustomlistview

    May I know how can I disable overscroll in xCustomlistview so the end indicators not showing when I scroll to top or bottom (for vertical) and leftmost or rightmost (for horizontal)?
  5. Didier9

    iOS Question xCustomListView problem [closed for now]

    I am trying to add a CustomListView to a B4i project. I am getting this error as soon as Page1_Resize() completes: Application_Start Error occurred on line: 150 (CustomListView) Object was not initialized (UILabel) Stack Trace: ( CoreFoundation <redacted> + 252 libobjc.A.dylib...
  6. Sapta

    Android Question How do I create a table page when ReachEnd is in xCustomListView?

    Hi all, Based on this example I want to display data per page of 20 items. When ReachEnd it will be loading to the next page. But how to handle this because when I scroll down, 3 items at once appear, how can I order 1 item that appears. This will disrupt the page that I will use, when scroll...
  7. Alexander Stolte

    Wish [B4X] xCustomListView PullToRefresh

    Hello, are any plans to add the PullToRefresh Feature to the xCustomListView in the Future? thanks Greetings
  8. Alexander Stolte

    Android Question [B4X] xCustomListView GetPanelByItemID

    Hello, how i can set a ItemID (String or object) and from this i can get the right Panel. For Access a view. I fill my list with 2 databases and i cant Access the right Panel over the id from the database. Greetings
  9. Alexander Stolte

    Wish [B4X] xCustomListView GetPanelByItemID

    Hello, this would be useful. Set a ItemID (String or object) and from this you can get the right Panel. For Access a view. I fill my list with 2 databases and i cant Access the right Panel over the id from the database.
  10. LWGShane

    B4J Question [XUI] xCustomListView: Set Alignment?

    Is it possible to set the alignment (Left, Center, Right) of the items in "xCustomListView"?
  11. Alexander Stolte

    Android Question [B4X] xCustomListView load images async

    Hello, usually I use the Ultimate Listview from @Informatix for that, but in this case i develop cross plattform. In the ULV is there a fucntion called "SetLoadImageCallbacks" with this function it is possible to load images asynchron. And whenever the function was called, I downloaded the...
  12. janderkan

    Wish Long click event in xCustomListview

    I have added and use the longclick event in xCustomListView. After upgrading to B4Av8 my app stopped working. After deleting everything named xCustomListview, it was still in the libraries tab. Then I realized that it is now a library that's included in B4A and now it is version 1.53. As I see...