Wish A more professional logo


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every time I direct an agent (of employment) to the website they see that logo.

I have heard 'oh did his kid do that?'

No offense, but can we have some better and more professional logos for our beloved B4a please :)

We're trying to make a living here :)


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I find this suggestion offensive actually.
And a waste of time better spent on real improvements.
Unless you're volunteering, i vote this gets a priority of zero


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Sorry, no offense was intended.

I did actually have an agent call me about an Android programming job in my area.

I explained that I program in B4a and that I knew that a lot of companies wanted Java/Eclipse developers but the agent said that there was no mention of any specific dev system and he thought that they just wanted someone who could hit the ground running and start developing an Android app for the company.

I was then requested to write an example app which accessed social media, which I did, called it SocMed and I think it looked pretty good.

I was told that they were impressed with the example app and they asked for the source code which I duly provided.

They then told me that 'oh no, they want someone who can develop in Java/Eclipse' <sigh>

I think B4a will at some point become a professional dev system sought after by such companies because it is getting to be so powerful!

Perhaps it will start by gaining the reputation that Visual BASIC gained, or similar.

I just thought that things like a more professional logo and even perhaps an additional name might help things to go a bit faster.

There you go WW :) now Thats what I'm talkin' 'bout :)


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Bad Idea

Actually, the icon in the developping tool has nothing to do with your apps.

Each developper has to design their own logos for their appsits not "pro" to develop an app and use a stolen or generic logo as the front page of your work.


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Ok, passionate person :)

I was talking about the perception of B4a.

Like your comment :)


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How about something like that? (took your colors from the video)


  • b4a.png
    74.9 KB · Views: 263


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Some examples




and B4aLogo4:


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Erel, perhaps if you are interested in a new logo you can host a contest? Maybe the winner receives free lifetime b4a license/upgrades? Just a thought.


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I think that the name of this thread should be changed to, 'Professional logo' or even 'Professional image'.

I say this because B4A's current image is very much home-made. Don't get me wrong though: Home-made is pleasant enough, but still unprofessional.

As good as IanMC's intentions might be, my view is that it is imperative that a professional design team are hired: The efforts posted/suggested above clearly lack professional technique.

For what its worth, my favourite design company are a team called Designers Republic, who were responsible for Sony/Psygnosis' Wipeout 2097 design. I strongly believe that they would do an excellent job in freshening and vitalising the B4A brand.

PS. The new forum is a vast improvement over the previous one. Great job!
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I vote for the logo redesign too.
That said, didn't see any outstanding propositions here either. (Don't mean to offend anybody)
May be one of the B4A party leaders should call for a logo redesign contest? Anyway, logo design is a tricky business.


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I think you guys are using the wrong terminology, you are mistaking a "flashy" logo for what is indeed a logo.

A logo is nothing but a symbol to identify a company, product, etc and it doesn't have to be flashy, so, based on your observations, logos such as Google, Old Navy, IKEA among others should be re-done because they are not "professional" looking?, as you can see, it's just matter of perception, so, to say that because a logo doesn't "look professional" people are going to go elsewhere (in this case to another tool to create Android apps) is just nonsense.

My humble opinion.


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That's an old Google logo, and Old Navy and Ikea were done professionally. There's a difference between professionally and simply.

Is it really nonsense? Because as of posts earlier, it's happened.