Android Example About Box with OSL clickable links

Finally, I got my project completed. I learnt a lot of things about Android from this community. This community has generously provided source code to various UI's and more, without which I would NOT have been able to complete my project on time. Thank you one and all. Here is my contribution to the community.

I wanted to include an About Box with clickable links to Open Source code and licenses (just like we see in the apps on Play Store). I struggled a lot to find the answer and after hours of experimenting finally I got it working. To help the rest of us from reinventing the wheel, I have created an example which would hopefully be useful to someone who wishes to implement the same.


  • about_box_example.png
    51.9 KB · Views: 357
    17.6 KB · Views: 355


It would have been simple (and cross platform) to use BBCodeView for this.
You have always amazed me with the possibilities and efficient ways of doing things in B4A. I searched the forum and got the answer; for those looking for it here is the link.