iOS Tutorial ActivityClass: A cross-platform development class and strategy for b4i/b4a


Licensed User

I'm using your guide to develop cross-platform app, but how to use TabStripViewPager for B4a and iTabStrip of B4i in your class? can show some example if possible .


Jack Cole

Well-Known Member
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I tried what you are wanting to do, and it didn't work because the b4i version uses Nav Contoller pages. So, I developed my own tabber that works for both (it is linked to at the end of the original post). Here is the link for B4XEasyTabber.


Licensed User
I tried what you are wanting to do, and it didn't work because the b4i version uses Nav Contoller pages. So, I developed my own tabber that works for both (it is linked to at the end of the original post). Here is the link for B4XEasyTabber.

Hi Jack,

Your class works perfectly!, but I noticed that the swipe function like the TabStripViewPager and iTabStrip is gone? is it possible to add this swipe gesture to your class? it will be a great addition to it.


Jack Cole

Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
I made an update to ActivityClass.bas and In the b4i project there were some changes to subs in the Main module that tighten up some of the behavior. There was the possibility to launch multiple copies of an Activity before. This was fixed as it is not possible to do this on Android. GetAllViewsRecursive was added to ActivityClass that replicates the behavior of the Android Activity. There were several changes / improvements made in the Map_B4X in the

If you are designing a new app, you may want to use B4XPages to make a cross platform app. This ActivityClass is best used for migrating existing (large) Android apps to b4i. Advanced Android developers who understand and are comfortable with the Activity lifecycle may also prefer ActivityClass. Additionally, ActivityClass fully supports multiple orientations.
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