Wish Add divider to menu, spinner


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Longtime User

I'd like to request the ability to add a OS native divider to menu and spinner.

So, basically:


This illustrates it:

Not sure if it is any help, but here is a topic on SO that discusses it:


Licensed User
Longtime User
Really?? That's... weird. So everybody using dividers are doing some sort of hackery? They sure fill a need though, so I might request a lib or something down the line.



Licensed User
Longtime User
Simply rebuild the spinner with a panel or scrollpanel. Like all listView and spinner libraries that add non-native features.
See, for example, Ultimate ListView. If done in java, it's fast enough not to let them know that they are rebuilt. Even the SdSpinner I showed you last week is not native, here you rebuild with B4A panels and a bit slow for what it is for you.

No hacking.


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Longtime User
I generally don't like re-creating native UI elements. It's often quite easy to get them up to the standard of the OS on a superficial level, but it's incredibly difficult to get them to behave like the OS. For me, this is one of the main reasons why some apps just feel "off" and unpolished, like they are not quite correct in some hard-to-describe-way.

A typical example of this is to build a mobile interface using html UI elements and javascript, like some solutions competing to B4A/B4I are doing - which guarantees they never, ever feel quite right. If I wanted to fake it, I could have gone with some of them. I wanted the real stuff, so I went with B4A/B4I.


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Longtime User
Points of view. I've found some of them in Java and C that I think are good, they're fluid like native ones and add features. Even in Windows, you can build objects that do not exist natively.

Otherwise the s.o. It can not include everything, and the new android versions always add "new" things that are actually solutions that the developers have adopted in previous versions. For example, the Android screen split into 2. Each half of the screen displays a different App. It has been added recently but already developers had developed solutions that made this effect.

In this I think that building new objects that expand the s.o. it is very useful.

But it is my point of view.


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Longtime User
I don't know what "s.o." means, but I'll just note that I agree that expanding can be great. However, "expanding" means you take something available and build more into it. Like taking the native menu and adding a divider. To re-create, and thus imitate, the menu/spinner to just add a divider isn't in any way proportional in effort and result.

And that's my point of view.


Licensed User
Longtime User
S.O. I use it for operating system. Sorry english is said o.s.
Obviously we see things differently. It does nothing ;););)