Share My Creation Amazing E-Learning System : Source Code


*Thank you @Erel for making this possible for us :)

We would like to announce that we have developed an amazing E-Learning System!
It enables the student to browse and purchase courses even Tests (Quizzes)


The client-Android Features :
1- Sign in/Signup
2- Amazing UI
3- Browse Categories and sub categories
4- Browse Courses (Videos, Reviews, most frequent questions and answers, etc...)
5- Purchase Courses
6- Browse and Purchase Tests (Quizzes)
7- Filter the search
8- View/Edit his/her own profile
9- Purchases history

Courses Details :
Each course has a profile, in the profile the admin is able to upload video preview of the course and the full details (Time to finish the course, Description, price, etc...)
Tests (Quizzes) Details :
1-The admin is able to sell Tests (Quizzes) and link them to any course published.
2-Each Test (Quiz) is time managed, meaning the student has a specific period to finish the test and the period is set by the system admin.

Messaging :
The student is able to contact the teacher/admin by sending private messages through the app

Notifications enabled :
Any update occurs; from receiving a new message to a new course has been announced, the use will always get notified.

The System Admin :
1- Able to manage every course, categories, sub categories, Tests (Quizzes), Uploaded Media, etc...
2- Able to manage students information
3- Student's subscriptions management

The system admin is able to change any price in any time in a form of "discounted price"

Documents :
The system is able to show Videos,Images, PDF and Word Documents

Sharing :
The student is able to share the app with any of his friends.

Amazing UI
Complex UI yet so simple to use, we have taken a very long time designing the UI from scratch and the end results are amazing.


*And many other amazing features.
*The source code includes the Logo PSD and any other PSD that were created for this project.
*The source code includes a word document contain the instructions for the installing and running the app.

The system is built using :
1- B4J
2- B4a
3- Microsoft SQL Database
4- JRDC2 Technology

Release Date : 09-03-2021 (dd-mm-yyyy) The project has been released :)

Project Price : 30$

*If you have any question or you need help please contact us @ : [email protected] or @ : [email protected] and we will get back to you right away.

Thank you,
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The source code will be released today at : 11:00PM (GMT 2+) (12 hours from now)



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We are almost done finishing the documentation, the source code will be sent as soon as it's finished.


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The documentation took longer than expected because it's very detailed so the release will be today (10-03-2021 - dd-mm-yyyy) at 11:00 PM (GMT 2+)
Apologies for the delay.

Thank you,


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The project has been released and we have sent the source codes via email and private messages.

If you have any questions or need help please send us an email : [email protected] and we will help you right away.

Please note that tomorrow we will also upload a new update that contains new features :)

Thank you,


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Hi @sfsameer, is it possible to use PHP and MYSQL. Finding difficulty in using Microsoft SQL Database

The project is built on JRDC2 which means you can redirect it to MySQL database.
We have just included the .sql script in the source .zip file that we have sent everyone to enable you to move the database to any engine you would like.

Thank you,


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We have just released the updated version.

Please use the same download link we have sent you either via Email or Private message to download the update.

Thank you,


Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi there, this is awesome. Tell me something, with this can a teacher start and online class?

Can a teacher assign to do tasks to the learners and can these be marked off as done when POEs are submitted..?

Assuming that I will start a class on Wednesday, I want to pre-load materials eg videos for that particular event, and perhaps during the course of the session upload and share content, is that possible?



Well-Known Member
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Hi there, this is awesome. Tell me something, with this can a teacher start and online class?

Can a teacher assign to do tasks to the learners and can these be marked off as done when POEs are submitted..?

Assuming that I will start a class on Wednesday, I want to pre-load materials eg videos for that particular event, and perhaps during the course of the session upload and share content, is that possible?


1-The System admin is able to upload and start classes but offline classes, we are thinking of integrating the Skype Alternative project which we released earlier to enable this project to produce online classes, we will integrate the update mostly by the end of next week so stay tuned :)

2- There are pre-purchase details and a video explaining the class that the student would like to purchase.

Thank you,


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Longtime User
1-The System admin is able to upload and start classes but offline classes, we are thinking of integrating the Skype Alternative project which we released earlier to enable this project to produce online classes, we will integrate the update mostly by the end of next week so stay tuned :)
Sounds great!

2- There are pre-purchase details and a video explaining the class that the student would like to purchase.
I'm not sure though whether this addresses my question of a teacher being able to assign "To Do" tasks to learners. For me this is besides the quizzes, but something like an assignment etc that needs to be submitted on a particular due date. Can you please be more explicit?

Assuming that I will start a class on Wednesday, I want to pre-load materials eg videos for that particular event, and perhaps during the course of the session upload and share content, is that possible?

I guess the last item is addressed by 1 above. The point of interest is rather a scheduling functionality. Lets say for example a time-table. One logs in and is able to see upcoming classes and their dates etc, for today, for the week, month as an example.

Thanks again for the explanations.