I've just started using DuOS and I encountered the same problem as yourself with regard to using Debug mode, however I'm glad to report that I have found a solution!
In my case I've got DuOS installed on the same PC (A Lenova 23" AIO Touchscreen) as B4A. I can now use Debug Mode and the WYSIWIG Designer with DuOS!
he problem with trying to use a Wireless connection is that DuOS is using Network Address Translation, and that it doesn't seem to have any way of letting something on the network connect to an application that acts as a network server. This is a bit of drawback, perhaps they will fix it at some point, as it prevents a number of device to device apps from working. They could allow specific ports to connect for instance, just like home routers do. Just discovered that it does have such a facility, see here http://amiduos.com/support/knowledge-base/article/network-ports-forwarding-in-amiduos Now investigating B4A Bridge could be made to work via this method.)
Anyway, for debugging the solution turns out to be the use of the ADB server, so when you get it working, it thinks that you have connected via a USB link back to your PC. This is even better than using a Wireless connection as the compile/install process is much quicker. (You can also see the App logs in Release Mode, I think).
So how do you make this work? These are the basic steps:
1. Enable root mode in AMIDuOS
See here for how to do that:
This worked for me up to the last 2 step which are:
b. If adb server and AMIDuOS running in the same device, please use loop back address( instead of IP to connect it
adb kill-server
adb connect
adb devices
4. adb shell (Which enables the user to execute various shell commands in AMIDuOS
a. Verify that shell shows like root@duos:/ # , which resembles AMIDuOS is rooted.
b. verify various su commands to check root permissions
In my case the command "adb devices" listed 2 devices, and the adb shell command gave an error
error: more than one device/emulator
A bit of research showed that there was a solution, using a slightly different shell command
My efforts and the solution are shown below:
C:\Android\platform-tools>adb devices -l
List of devices attached
emulator-5564 device product:duos model:AMIDuOS device:duos device product:duos model:AMIDuOS device:duos
C:\Android\platform-tools>adb shell -a
error: more than one device/emulator
C:\Android\platform-tools>adb -e shell
error: more than one emulator
C:\Android\platform-tools>adb -d shell
error: no devices found
C:\Android\platform-tools>adb -s shell
root@duos:/ #
2. Connect using the Connect button in B4A
Once I had done this, I was able to connect to AMIDUOS with the connect button. I suspect that you may need to re-run the adb commands each time you start B4A.
I could also use the WISYWIG designer too!