SITUATION: Another individual and I wish to work on several Android apps as two co developers sharing our routines, libraries, algorithms etc. in a common code repository. Everything is good except, he likes to write Android code using Eclipse IDE and the Android SDK etc. while I have tried that route before and personally very much prefer the Basic4Android route. Unfortunately, at the moment, there doesn't appear to be any convincing the other developer that Basic4Android is the best way to go.
QUESTION: Is there an effective way to co-develop Android Apps between two or more developers where some developers are using the traditional Android development stack and some developers are using Basic4Android? (For instance, I know that Basic4Android produces Java code using the Basic4Android syntax and IDE)
NOTE: I am hoping that there is a way for some level of language interoperability here because I don't see the non-Basic4Android developer budging until they become a "B4A" fan or sees that it is easily interoperable back and forth or at least perhaps interoperable in at least one direction.
Thanks for such a great product!
QUESTION: Is there an effective way to co-develop Android Apps between two or more developers where some developers are using the traditional Android development stack and some developers are using Basic4Android? (For instance, I know that Basic4Android produces Java code using the Basic4Android syntax and IDE)
NOTE: I am hoping that there is a way for some level of language interoperability here because I don't see the non-Basic4Android developer budging until they become a "B4A" fan or sees that it is easily interoperable back and forth or at least perhaps interoperable in at least one direction.
Thanks for such a great product!