FormsBuilder is a desktop tool that helps with building templates for B4XPreferencesDialog: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/t...alog-cross-platform-forms.103842/#post-651047
The output of FormsBuilder is a json file that is loaded with:
prefdialog.LoadFromJson(File.ReadString(File.DirAssets, "Example.json"))
Click on the monitor icon to see the preferences dialog.
V1.66 - Support for 24 hours mode in time items.
V1.65 - Support for the new Explanation item added to B4XPreferencesDialog v1.65.
V1.50 - Support for two new field types added to B4XPreferencesDialog v1.50: Multiline Text and Decimal Number.
Note that you can set the height of multiline text fields.
V1.10 - Support for light themes. Make sure to also update B4XPreferencesDialog to v1.30.
Make sure to download the latest version of B4XPreferencesDialog: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/b4x-b4xpreferencesdialog-cross-platform-forms.103842
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