Tool [B4X] Forms Builder - Designer for B4XPreferencesDialog

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FormsBuilder is a desktop tool that helps with building templates for B4XPreferencesDialog:

The output of FormsBuilder is a json file that is loaded with:
prefdialog.LoadFromJson(File.ReadString(File.DirAssets, "Example.json"))

Click on the monitor icon to see the preferences dialog.


V1.66 - Support for 24 hours mode in time items.
V1.65 - Support for the new Explanation item added to B4XPreferencesDialog v1.65.
V1.50 - Support for two new field types added to B4XPreferencesDialog v1.50: Multiline Text and Decimal Number.
Note that you can set the height of multiline text fields.
V1.10 - Support for light themes. Make sure to also update B4XPreferencesDialog to v1.30.

Make sure to download the latest version of B4XPreferencesDialog:


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Hamied Abou Hulaikah

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Great tool, it is SUPER fast UI designing.
Can this tool generate form for another purpose? as any form on activity?
Why RTL still not supported!

Hamied Abou Hulaikah

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It is currently not possible. Might be added in the future.
If this feature introduced to B4X, It'll make it the time fastest between competitors for developing B4X forms in activity.
Currently; In large b4x apps that require a lot of forms (a lot of time), I am using my non b4x approach to accelerate the process, then merge the results inside b4x wrapper.

I hope Mr. @Erel to introduce this feature in nearest future (Yes you can :) )


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Yes. The default values are not part of the template. You need to set them in the "data" map.
so i will this form-builder to make a "default"-"data"-map( Store it : xui.DefaultFolder & "" -as example) and copy this file to my app and use it for first-time ?

Gabino A. de la Gala

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Would it be possible for events to be triggered each time the value of one of the fields was changed so that we could make verifications or even vary the value of other fields in the form at run time?


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B4XTable1.COLUMN_TYPE_NUMBERS does not accept decimals, only integers.


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I guess that you are asking for a new item type that will accept decimal numbers, right

Yes, sorry, of course, :confused: I was working with the TableAndForms sample.

A new item type that will accept decimal numbers would be greatly appreciated.

If you could do it last week it would be even better :D


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