'Code module
'Subs in this code module will be accessible from all modules.
Sub Process_Globals
' I created a Type structure to hold more than the allowed 2 parameters in the Callsub back to MAIN
Type TxtItem(Old As String, New As String, Tag As B4XPrefItem)
' I update the B4xPrefItem to contain the new information
Type B4XPrefItem (Title As String, ItemType As Int, Extra As Map, _
Key As String, Required As Boolean, _
Default As Object, Mask As String, _
Link As String, ToolTip As String, Options As List)
' In loadfromJSON, I added parameters to the JSON file
For Each item As Map In items
Dim key As String = item.Get("key")
Dim Link As String = item.Get("link")
Dim ToolTip As String = item.Get("tooltip")
Dim title As String = item.Get("title")
Dim required As Boolean = item.Get("required")
Dim options As List = item.Get("options")
If options.IsInitialized = False Then
End If
Dim itemType As String = item.Get("type")
Dim default As String = item.Get("default")
Dim mask As String = item.Get("mask")
'Title As string, ItemType As Int, Key As String, Default As String, Mask As String, Required As Boolean, Options As List
Dim pi As B4XPrefItem = CreatePrefItem(title, key, default, mask, required, Link, ToolTip, options)
' I built the prefitems at the top instead of repeatedly within the Select Case for convenience
Select itemType
Case "Separator"
Case "Boolean"
pi.ItemType = TYPE_BOOLEAN
' in CreatePrefItem, I added the new items to the B4xPrefItem Type structure
Private Sub CreatePrefItem(Title As String, Key As String, _
Default As String, Mask As String, Required As Boolean, _
Link As String, ToolTip As String, _
Options As List) As B4XPrefItem
Dim pi As B4XPrefItem
pi.Link = Link
pi.ToolTip = ToolTip
pi.Title = Title
pi.Key = Key
pi.Default = Default
pi.Mask = Mask
pi.Required = Required
pi.Options = Options
Return pi
End Sub
' add the events that call MAIN validation subs
Private Sub B4XFloatTextField1_EnterPressed
Dim B4xFld As B4XFloatTextField
B4xFld = Sender
Dim edtText As EditText = B4xFld.TextField
Dim p As B4XView = B4xFld.TextField.Parent.parent
Dim tg As B4XPrefItem = p.Tag
If SubExists(Main, "Text_EnterPressed") Then
CallSub3(Main, "Text_EnterPressed", edtText, tg)
End If
End Sub
private Sub B4XFloatTextField1_TextChanged (Old As String, New As String) 'text/multiline text
Dim B4xFld As B4XFloatTextField
B4xFld = Sender
Dim p As B4XView = B4xFld.TextField.Parent.parent
Dim This As TxtItem
This.Tag = p.Tag
This.Old = Old
This.New = New
Log("TEXT CHANGED " & Old & " new " & New) 'also password
If SubExists(Main, "Text_Changing") Then
CallSub2(Main, "Text_Changing", This)
End If
End Sub
' The below have not been coded yet, they are here as placeholders for now...
Private Sub B4XSwitch1_ValueChanged (Value As Boolean) 'boolean
If SubExists(Main, "Boolean_Changed") Then
CallSub2(Main, "Boolean_Changed", Value)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub PM_ValueChanged (Value As Object) 'Plus Minus/range
If SubExists(Main, "PM_Changed") Then
CallSub2(Main, "PM_Changed", Value)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub pmHours_ValueChanged (Value As Object)
If SubExists(Main, "PMHours_Changed") Then
CallSub2(Main, "PMHours_Changed", Value)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub pmMinutes_ValueChanged (Value As Object)
If SubExists(Main, "PMMinutes_Changed") Then
CallSub2(Main, "PMMinutes_Changed", Value)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub pmAMPM_ValueChanged (Value As Object)
If SubExists(Main, "PMAMPM_Changed") Then
CallSub2(Main, "PMAMPM_Changed", Value)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub B4XComboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged (Index As Int)
If SubExists(Main, "B4xComboBox_Changed") Then
Dim Value As String = B4XComboBox1.GetItem(Index)
CallSub3(Main, "B4xComboBox_Changed", Index, Value)
End If
End Sub