Android Question [B4X] xCustomListView trigger when the user has released the list

Alexander Stolte

Licensed User
Longtime User

i want to trigger, when the user has released the list.

how can i do that?

i have try with a panel under the list, but this is not triggered. Then i have try with the B4XViewEvent, but then you cant scroll the list anymore.


Peter Simpson

Licensed User
Longtime User
A trigger, what do you mean exactly, what are you trying to trigger or actually do...
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Alexander Stolte

Licensed User
Longtime User
what are you trying to trigger or actually do...
i'm trying since 3 weeks, to create a pull to refresh animation with a "normal" user handle. I'm not a fan to scroll down the list before i can add a refreshing panel on top.
And then is the Problem on a big list, if the user is scrolling up fast and the list scrolls to the first item, in this case the refreshing item, then the list is updating without the user wanting it. I cant handle these things right in the xcustomlistview.

And with a event that triggerd the up gesture, then i can remove the refreshing panel if no fingers left on the list and I can prevent these things. And if the user is scrolling the refreshing item to the half and then release his finger then i want to scroll to the first item, because he dont want to refresh.
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