B4A Library [B4X] [XUI] SD_TreeList


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I don't know if it's too much work, but could I donate to add those features and you can release the update for the community?

From running the example, tapping on the badge causes the app to error


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I don't know if it's too much work, but could I donate to add those features and you can release the update for the community?

From running the example, tapping on the badge causes the app to error
View attachment 114979
I will verify the error.

You can also use the command to make the colored bar disappear
B4XTree1.OnlyCornerColor = True


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The Bugs has been fixed. Thank you for the report.
I added two new methods that give the possibility to have an icon for the open branch and one for the close branch.

Update 0.15
  • Fix Bugs
  • Added AddBranchDoubleSymbol and AddDoubleSymbol
    With this new method it will be possible to have an icon with the open branch and a different icon for the closed branch (the symbol can be a character of a font of your choice, eg. FontAwesone)

From now on the libraries for all platforms can only be downloaded from this link
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Active Member
Licensed User
The Bugs has been fixed. Thank you for the report.
I added two new methods that give the possibility to have an icon for the open branch and one for the close branch.

From now on the libraries for all platforms can only be downloaded from this link

I noticed in your first post, there is spacing between branches in the earlier versions. is this still possible with the new version?

Running the example from your first post:

Thanks for your work, going to send some coffee money your way haha


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It was a bug that has been fixed


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Dang, I thought it was a feature LOL. It looks kind of nice with the gap and lighter brand color, makes it easier on the eyes to split the group up haha
The source has since been rewritten. Before each branch was placed inside a panel, now this is no longer the case to allow some animations.
So now it is not possible to color a background because it does not exist with the current code.

It is also not easy to reduce the thickness of the colored bar for some technical reasons. It would complicate the code too much, so I suggest you put it transparent and framed.


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Understood. Thank you for this awesome library, love your work


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Update 0.16
  • Fix Bugs


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Hi @Star-Dust , not sure if this is a "bug", but setting the the text size to anything higher than 18, the Leaf text starts to get cut off.

Here is an example with textSize set to 20


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Hi @Star-Dust , not sure if this is a "bug", but setting the the text size to anything higher than 18, the Leaf text starts to get cut off.

Here is an example with textSize set to 20
View attachment 115040
The height of the leaf is less than that of the branch. Note that it can contain two lines.. Use a smaller font size or increase staff height

Would it be possible to add badges to the Branch as well?
It is not planned to add this function
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Licensed User
Longtime User
I love this library, thanks. May I suggest something that would be helpful?
1 If you delete a branch, then it would be logical to delete all branches and leaves under this branch.
2 Ability to install a badge on a branch.


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we will see in the future if it is possible​


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Update 0.17
  • The RemoveBranch method has been rewritten so that deleting a branch eliminates all the leaves and branches but also recursively the sub-branches attached to them
You can download the version from the main thread. Here


Licensed User
Longtime User
Great! I will try. Thank you.


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Update 0.18
  • Now you can choose the color of the Symbol from Design

Update 0.19
  • ListOfIDBraches (IDBranche As String) As List
    Returns a list of strings
    This list contains the IDs of the sub-branches attached To a branch
  • ListOfIDLeafs (IDBranche As String) As List
    Returns a list of strings
    This list contains the IDs of the leaves attached To a branch
Log("- LIST leafs -")
For Each IDleaf As String In B4XTree1.ListOfIDLeafs("B1")

Log("- LIST Branches -")
For Each IDb As String In B4XTree1.ListOfIDBraches("B1")
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