Android Code Snippet [B4X] XUI Views B4XDateTemplate amendment to autochange the year

Just a small change to the B4XDateTemplate class that is in XUI Views
This just makes the year change +/-1 if the month changes from Jan to Dec, or vice versa.
Private Sub btnMonth_Click
    Dim btn As B4XView = Sender
    Dim m As Int = 12 + month - 1 + btn.Tag
    month = (m Mod 12) + 1
End Sub

Private Sub btnMonth_Click
    Dim btn As B4XView = Sender
    Dim m As Int = 12 + month - 1 + btn.Tag
    Dim oldMonth as int = month    'line added
    month = (m Mod 12) + 1
    If oldMonth=12 and month=1 Then year=year+1    'line added
    If oldMonth=1 and month=12 Then year=year-1    'line added
End Sub