I`m having problems with BCtextengine on the B4XMainPage of my app. I have a BBCodeView on my form (everything works fine without this).
the last line gives me an error when run:
Error occurred on line 99 (B4XMainPage) -> Line 99 is the Private Sub B4XPage_Created, End Sub statement
java.lang.Exception: array not expected
I`m sure I`m made a silly mistake but I can`t see it for the life of me.
Thanks James
Private slash_lbl As BBCodeView
Public bc As BCTextEngine
Private Sub B4XPage_Created (Root1 As B4XView)
bc.Initialize (Root1)
slash_lbl.Text = $"[b]HELLO[/b]"$
the last line gives me an error when run:
Error occurred on line 99 (B4XMainPage) -> Line 99 is the Private Sub B4XPage_Created, End Sub statement
java.lang.Exception: array not expected
I`m sure I`m made a silly mistake but I can`t see it for the life of me.
Thanks James