B4J Library [Class] ResultCursor: cursor-like SQLite database object for compatibility with Android Cursor

IMHO, cross-platform ResultSet class has disadvantages comparing to Android's cursor: access to any row, iterating the set many times (questions: one, two).
And if there is a need to clone Android project with many Cursors objects to B4J ResultSet - i guess, such new class may help to simplify the migration (memory consumption question is passed by).
If i'm wrong - please, help me to understand in the discussion below.

I tried to preserve the structure of Cursor class

'v.0.11 (c) Vlad Pomelov aka Peacemaker
'SQLite Cursor-like class for B4J as of Android Cursor
Private Sub Class_Globals
    Private mSQL As SQL
    Private mQuery As String
    Private mStringArgs() As String
    Private mRowCount As Int
    Private mColumnCount As Int
    Private mPosition As Int = -1
    Private mLimit As Int
    Private mColumns As Map
    Private mRows As List
    Private mInitialized As Boolean
End Sub

'Executes the query and returns the result.
'StringArgs - Values to replace question marks in the query. Pass Null if not needed.
'Limit - Limits the results. Pass 0 for all results.
Public Sub Initialize (SQL As SQL, Query As String, StringArgs() As String, Limit As Int)
    mSQL = SQL
    mQuery = Query
    mStringArgs = StringArgs
    mLimit = Limit
    mPosition = -1
    mInitialized = True
End Sub

'Frees resources
Sub Close
    mColumns = Null
    mRows = Null
    mSQL = Null
    mInitialized = False
End Sub

Private Sub ExecuteSQL
    Dim cur As ResultSet
    If mStringArgs = Null Then
        Dim mStringArgs(0) As String
    End If
    cur = mSQL.ExecQuery2(mQuery, mStringArgs)
    Dim mRows As List
    mRowCount = 0
    Dim jrs As JavaObject = cur
    Dim rsmd As JavaObject = jrs.RunMethod("getMetaData", Null)
    mColumnCount = cur.ColumnCount
    For i = 0 To mColumnCount - 1
        mColumns.Put(cur.GetColumnName(i), i)
    Do While cur.NextRow
        Dim row(mColumnCount) As Object
        For i = 0 To mColumnCount - 1
            Dim ct As Int = rsmd.RunMethod("getColumnType", Array(i + 1))
            'check whether it is a blob field
            If ct = -2 Or ct = 2004 Or ct = -3 Or ct = -4 Then
                row(i) = cur.GetBlob2(i)
            Else if ct = 2 Or ct = 3 Then
                row(i) = cur.GetDouble2(i)
                row(i) = jrs.RunMethod("getObject", Array(i + 1))
            End If
        mRowCount = mRowCount + 1
        If mLimit > 0 And mRows.Size >= mLimit Then Exit
End Sub

Sub GetString(ColumnName As String) As String
    Dim n As Int = mColumns.Get(ColumnName)
    Dim res() As Object = mRows.Get(mPosition)
    Return res(n).As(String)
End Sub

Sub GetString2 (Index As Int) As String
    Dim res() As Object = mRows.Get(mPosition)
    Return res(Index).As(String)
End Sub

'Returns the name of the column at the specified index.
'The first column index is 0.
Sub GetColumnName (Index As Int) As String
    Return mColumns.GetKeyAt(Index)
End Sub

Sub GetBlob (ColumnName As String) As Byte()
    Dim n As Int = mColumns.Get(ColumnName)
    Dim res() As Object = mRows.Get(mPosition)
    Dim blob() As Byte = res(n)
    Return blob
End Sub

Sub GetDouble (ColumnName As String) As Double
    Dim n As Int = mColumns.Get(ColumnName)
    Dim res() As Object = mRows.Get(mPosition)
    Return res(n).As(Double)
End Sub

Sub GetDouble2 (Index As Int) As Double
    Dim res() As Object = mRows.Get(mPosition)
    Return res(Index).As(Double)
End Sub

Sub GetBlob2 (Index As Int) As Byte()
    Dim res() As Object = mRows.Get(mPosition)
    Dim blob() As Byte = res(Index)
    Return blob
End Sub

Sub GetInt (ColumnName As String) As Int
    Dim n As Int = mColumns.Get(ColumnName)
    Dim res() As Object = mRows.Get(mPosition)
    Return res(n).As(Int)
End Sub

Sub GetInt2 (Index As Int) As Int
    Dim res() As Object = mRows.Get(mPosition)
    Return res(Index).As(Int)
End Sub

Sub GetLong (ColumnName As String) As Long
    Dim n As Int = mColumns.Get(ColumnName)
    Dim res() As Object = mRows.Get(mPosition)
    Return res(n).As(Long)
End Sub

Sub GetLong2 (Index As Int) As Long
    Dim res() As Object = mRows.Get(mPosition)
    Return res(Index).As(Long)
End Sub

'Gets the number of columns available in the result set.
Sub getColumnCount As Int
    Return mColumnCount
End Sub

'Gets the numbers or rows available in the result set.
Sub getRowCount As Int
    Return mRowCount
End Sub

'Gets Or sets the current position (row).
'Note that the starting position of a cursor returned from a query Is -1.
'The first valid position Is 0.
Sub getPosition As Int
    Return mPosition
End Sub

'Gets Or sets the current position (row).
'Note that the starting position of a cursor returned from a query Is -1.
'The first valid position Is 0.
Sub setPosition (i As Int)
    mPosition = i
End Sub

'Stored SQL-query that was executed
Sub getQuery As String
    Return mQuery
End Sub

'Stored arguments of the SQL-query that was executed
Sub getSQLreqArgs As String()
    Return mStringArgs
End Sub

Sub IsInitialized As Boolean
    Return mInitialized
End Sub

Full testing project is attached, depending on:
  • jSQL lib
  • JavaObject lib
  • DButils code module (not strong, used for testing project)
Any comments and updates are welcome here.

  • v.0.11: added IsInitialized property


  • ResultCursor_project_v.0.11.zip
    7.7 KB · Views: 218
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