Android Question Custom view layout optimization

Emme Developer

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Hi to all!
I've a CustomView that is based on BCTextEngine and BBLabel. As i cannot understand how to add BBLabel programmatically (BBLabel has not a method like addToParent), i placed it in Layout.
I tried to load the layout in mbase of CustomView, but to achieve this in DesignerCreateView i need to place a sleep(0). This sleep(0) will make "slow" the loading of custom view (i noticed a few ms after loading activity is fully loaded to get the view layout ready). Is there a way to achieve this without use sleep(0)?
I thought i can use base_resize to load the layout, by using a boolean var to set it only first time, but i want to know if there is a better tip to do this.
Thanks to all

Emme Developer

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Yes but it's the same

Sleep(0) will not make the loading slow. If it is slow then something else causes it.
One possible solution is to show a place holder (panel) and then load the BBLabel to this panel.

If you plan to add multiple copies of this custom view then you should resuse the same text engine.
I will try different things. I plan to add multiple copies of my view, how can i share the same text engine? Can i initialize the engine in activity and then pass it at the customview?
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