Android Question Doubt on CharSequence / CSBuilder usage


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Hello guys,

I read this topic and was trying to implement some text enhancements to my app. It happens that the CS elements seems to work directly on the view and, in my case, I work literals and fields in string literals and, at the end, combine these string literals on the final label.text view object. Then I noticed that this approach (use of intermediate literals) produce no effect on the result, resulting no formatting at all at the end, as can be seen in the attached image,

It worked, however, when I prepare the CS string and send it right to the label.text view.

Is there other way to apply formatting to my resulting text? HTML tags <B> </B> <I> </I> would be enough.


        Select wCodEvento
            Case     1    '  *** USING CS ON THE 1ST CASE JUST FOR TEST ***
                cs.Initialize.Append(IIF(wRegistro(7) = Null, "Nascid" & wSufixo, "Nascid" & wSufixo & " em " & wRegistro(7)) & " no dia ")
                cs.Bold.Color(Colors.Green).Append(wDataEvento).Pop.Pop 'two pops: the first removes the green color and the second removes the bold style
                cs.Append(". ").PopAll
                wTxtNascimento = cs
'                lblDetalhePessoa.text = cs
'                Return

            Case     2    ' 
                wTxtCasamento = wTxtCasamento & "Casad" & wSufixo & " no dia " & wDataEvento & " com " & wRegistro(8) & IIF(wRegistro(7) = Null, "", ", em " & wRegistro(7)) & ". "
            Case     3    ' 
                wTxtBatizado = "Batizad" & wSufixo & " no dia " & wDataEvento & IIF(wRegistro(7) = Null, "", ", em " & wRegistro(7)) & ". "
        End Select

' *** CS text (wTxtNascimento) prepared above does nothing when combined as below
    lblDetalhePessoa.text = wTxtApelido & wTxtIdade & wTxtNascimento & wTxtPaiMae & wTxtCasamento & wTxtFalecimento & wTxtCrismado & wTxt1Comunhao & wTxtFormado & wTxtDivorcio & wTxtEmancipado



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Is there other way to apply formatting to my resulting text
Fernando: I think you have to do something like this for it to work. This will work:
Dim cs As CSBuilder
    Dim strvar1 As String ="BRAZIL IS IN WORLD CUP 2018."
    Dim strvar2 As String =" FERNANDO IS LOOKING FORWARD"
    Dim strvar3 As String =" TO A WIN."  
    cs.initialize.Color(Colors.Red).Append(strvar1).Color(Colors.Blue).Append(strvar2) _
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Hello, Mahares
You right, it works doin this way when the output is a label.text. However I have to prepare my text string in advance and only when everything is ready concatenate these strings to label.text.
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When everything is ready and all variables are defined, that is when you create your csbuilder and stick it in the label text. That is what my example does, unless I am not understanding fully the issue
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When everything is ready and all variables are defined, that is when you create your csbuilder and stick it in the label text. That is what my example does, unless I am not understanding fully the issue

Look at this code:
    Dim cs As CSBuilder
    Dim strvar1 As String ="BRAZIL IS IN WORLD CUP 2018."
    Dim strvar2 As String =" FERNANDO IS LOOKING FORWARD"
    Dim strvar3 As String =" TO A WIN."
    cs.initialize.Color(Colors.Red).Append(strvar1).Color(Colors.Blue).Append(strvar2) _
    Label1.Text=cs                    ' <=== WORKS FINE
    Dim strvar4 As String
    Dim strvar5 As String

    strvar4 = cs.initialize.Color(Colors.Red).Append(strvar1).Color(Colors.Blue).Append(strvar2) _

    strvar5 = cs.initialize.Color(Colors.Red).Append(" Mahares is").Color(Colors.Blue).Append(" a nice ") _
    Label2.Text = strvar4 & strvar5    ' <=== DOES NOTHING - And I can only set label2.text at the end, otherwise the code would become a monster

In my case, a single label2.text is the result of concatenation of up to 10 strvars...
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Longtime User
In my case, a single label2.text is the result of concatenation of up to 10 strvars

You can create multiple csbuilders (one for each variable string) and concatenate them into the label text . See example below:
Dim cs As CSBuilder
    Dim strvar As String ="BRAZIL CAN WIN THE WORLD CUP IN 2018"
    cs.initialize.Color(Colors.Red).Append(strvar.SubString2(0, 5)).Color(Colors.Blue).Append(strvar.SubString2(5, 8)) _
    Dim cs1 As CSBuilder
    Dim strvar As String ="  FERNANDO"
    Dim cs3 As CSBuilder
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