Android Question edittext multiline by code


New Member
Licensed User
Hello, I have an issue when adding an edittext component by code.
I set wrap = true and singleLine = False, but it seems the multiline property is not activated. The text doesn´t wrap when exceeding the with of the edittext.
If someone has an idea what it may be or experienced the same issue and knows how to solve i´ll thank you.


New Member
Licensed User
Hi, i think it's solved
The problem is that after adding the edittext the singleLine property is reset to True.
Sub  GetEdit(tag As String, type As String, hint As String) As EditText
    Dim edit As EditText : edit.initialize("")
    edit .Tag = tag
    edit.Wrap = True
    edit.HintColor = Colors.Gray
    edit.Hint = hint
    edit.Gravity = Gravity.CENTER_VERTICAL
    edit.TextColor = Colors.Black
    edit.TextSize = 15
    Select  type
        Case "NUM"
            edit.InputType = edit.INPUT_TYPE_DECIMAL_NUMBERS
        Case "TEXT"
            edit.SingleLine = False 
            edit.InputType = edit.INPUT_TYPE_TEXT     
    End Select
    Return edit
End Sub

Sub LoadLayout
    Dim edit As EditText = GetEdit("comment", "TEXT", "Add comment")
    panel.AddView( edit, 16dip, 0, 50%x, 56dip)
    edit.SingleLine = False  'Set sigleLine to false after adding the view
End Sub
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