Sub ExtractNumber (a As String) As String
Dim result As String
Dim digit As Boolean = False
Dim decimal As Boolean = False
Dim i As Int
For i = 0 To a.Length - 1
If "0123456789".Contains(a.CharAt(i)) = True Then 'we found a digit
digit = True
result = result & a.CharAt(i)
Else If digit = True AND a.CharAt(i) = "." AND decimal = False Then 'we found the decimal point
decimal = True
result = result & a.CharAt(i)
Else If digit = True Then'no digit found, end of number
End If
'no number has been found yet, go to the next character
Return result
End Sub
Sub GetNumber(txt As String) As Int
Dim c() As String
Dim i As Int
c = Regex.Split(" ", txt)
For i = 0 To c.Length - 1
If IsNumber(c(i)) Then
End If
If i < c.Length Then
Return c(i)
ToastMessageShow("No number", False)
End If
End Sub
Dim a As Int
a = GetNumber("Hello, I have -1 dogs")
Private lstNum As List : lstNum.Initialize
Private Text As String
Text = "FreeWolf has 3 dogs, 2 wolfs --> ,5.5 million dollars but live in a city where the temperature is always between -15°"
lstNum = NumsFromString(Text)
For I = 0 To lstNum.Size - 1
Private Sub NumsFromString(Text As String) As List
Private lstResult As List : lstResult.Initialize
Private ValidChars As String = "-+0123456789.,"
Private NumStartPos, ValidCharPos As Int
Private Ch, Num As String
NumStartPos = -1
Num = ""
For c = 0 To Text.Length - 1
Ch = Text.SubString2(c, c + 1)
ValidCharPos = ValidChars.IndexOf(Ch)
If ValidCharPos >= 0 Then
If NumStartPos >= 0 Then
Num = Num & Ch
NumStartPos = c
Num = Num & Ch
End If
If Num <> "" Then
If IsNumber(Num) Then
End If
Num = ""
End If
NumStartPos = -1
End If
If Num <> "" Then
If IsNumber(Num) Then
End If
End If
Return lstResult
End Sub
works für following number formats:B4X:Regex.Split("[+-]?\d+(\.\d+)?", txt)
Dim a As String = "I have 3 dogs, 1.5 pigs (ate half of one already), and -.75 chickens (one of my dogs ate the neighbors lunch after he only ate a quarter of his chicken, so now I owe him the rest of his lunch)."
Dim m As Matcher
m = Regex.Matcher("[+-]?(\d+\.?\d*|\.\d+)",a)
Do While m.Find
Log("Number = " & m.Match)
Wrote my response while MaFu was writing his.