Comcast is promising 10GB speed, read on...
Yes. Unitymedia. But wait for next year... Telekom will extend it´s Glasfiber net... More possible when going to telekom then....In Düren?!
I'm in envy, 16MB is the best I currently get. Looking to change to fibre soon but even then I'll be lucky to get over 80MB.Yes
Yes. Unitymedia. But wait for next year... Telekom will extend it´s Glasfiber net... More possible when going to telekom then....
wow, sitting here with 1,12 Mbps (down, Orange F 3G net) in the french alps is realy comfortable...I can read the B4A forum, that's all I wanted to do
data slows down when going uphill
Everyone will soon have their own server at home