Android Question '=' expected. Error File: main.bal


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First post. :)
I am very new to B4A but have a background in VB from VB 1.0 for DOS to

I was playing around with some source code from this site in order to learn how it all works.
Specifically, I had a working app and decided to delete a Label that had been included in main.bal in the Visual Designer. I have also deleted all references to it in code.
The app no longer runs and this is the error when I attempt to compile:

B4A version: 6.80
Parsing code. (0.00s)
Compiling code. (0.06s)
Compiling layouts code. Error
'=' expected.
Error File: main.bal

Go to the designer script page to debug this error.

The designer script page has been edited and the Label code has been removed. In fact, when I remove all of the script from the designer I still get this error.

Any help or pointers in the right direction would be appreciated.



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The designer script page has been edited and the Label code has been removed. In fact, when I remove all of the script from the designer I still get this error.
Are you sure?
Perhaps you have another layout variant where the Label is still referenced.
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Very sure, thank you.
There is definitely no other reference in any layout variant.
And no reference in code.
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Here is the project.



    43.4 KB · Views: 292
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As suspected, look at the main layout file in the 480 x 320 layout variant you still hace references to lblFileName.Top !
'Variant specific script: 480x320,scale=1
pnlToolBox.Right = 100%x
pnlToolBox.SetTopAndBottom(0, 100%y)

If ActivitySize < 6 Then
    btnNew.Top = 0
    btnLoad.Top = btnNew.Bottom
    btnSave.Top = btnLoad.Bottom
    btnSetup.Bottom = 100%y
    btnSave.VerticalCenter = 50%y
    btnLoad.Bottom = btnSave.Top
    btnNew.Bottom = btnLoad.Top
    btnSetup.Top = btnSave.Bottom + btnSave.Width
End If

lblFileName.Top = 0
lblFileName.SetLeftAndRight(0, pnlToolBox.Left - 1dip)

edtPad.SetLeftAndRight(0, pnlToolBox.Left)
edtPad.SetTopAndBottom(lblFileName.Bottom, 100%y + 4dip)
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This is really, really, really weird because this is a direct copy and paste from my project:
I had replaced a Label with a Spinner - sprFiles

'Variant specific script: 320x480,scale=1
pnlToolBox.Bottom = 100%y
pnlToolBox.SetLeftAndRight(0, 100%x)

btnSave.HorizontalCenter = 50%x
btnLoad.Right = btnSave.Left
btnNew.Right = btnLoad.Left
btnSetup.Left = btnSave.Right + btnSave.Width

sprFiles.Top = 0
sprFiles.Width = 100%x

edtPad.SetTopAndBottom(sprFiles.Bottom, pnlToolBox.Top + 4dip)
edtPad.SetLeftAndRight(0, 100%x)

I had even deleted all of that script and I still got the error.
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The problem is that you modified the 320 x 480 layout variant but not the 480 x 320 layout variant.
The copy in post#6 is also a copy from your project!
You must select the layout variant to see it's code!

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:oops: I Had no idea that layout variant even existed.
Thank you for this. Still lots to learn.
And thank you for your patience.

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Thank you Erel.

I have read the Designer Scripts Tutorial but I do not seem to have the Designer Scripts tab shown in the tutorial. Just the Script-Variant and the Script-General tabs which I was using.
I do not see a difference nor do I understand the difference between a designer script and a variant script. The tutorial talks about and suggests using variants so how do I avoid their use?
I am a bit confused here. I do understand the value of using 'dip' units as opposed to trying to write for every possible scenario.
Sorry if I am a bit dense but I am just learning the IDE and the B4X syntax.
I am using version 6.80 of B4A
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Thank you.
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If you look at the image in post#8 you see at the right side three tabs: Script-Variant, Script-General, Abstract Designer.
On the top left side you see the Variants window.
Selecting a variant in that window shows you the code for that variant in the Script-Variant tab.
The layout of the different windows may look different in your IDE.
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Yes, I see all that now.
Thank you, Klaus, for your assistance.

Takes me a while. :confused:
But I DO get it in the end. :)
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