As always, thanks in advance for any help.
I found the time to resurrect an old project that has has (had) a lot of code that was working very nicely. I am using the B4xTable class module and thought I would switch to the newer B4Xtable Lib. Needless to say my code blew up in a hundred places.
I am wondering if someone can quickly show me how to change the code to the new equivalents and save me endless hours of experimentation..
Or perhaps it is not even worth my time? I should just use as is? This will be a B4J only project.
Below are some of the examples that blew up.
Too Many Parameters.
This is the help for the old version
Here are more. For brevity I am just posting screenshots. If you want the code let me know and I will add it.
UnSchedOpsList is the B4XTable
HotJr_ReleasedCol is a B4XTableColumn, B4XStringFormatter is another Class module
I found the time to resurrect an old project that has has (had) a lot of code that was working very nicely. I am using the B4xTable class module and thought I would switch to the newer B4Xtable Lib. Needless to say my code blew up in a hundred places.
I am wondering if someone can quickly show me how to change the code to the new equivalents and save me endless hours of experimentation..
Or perhaps it is not even worth my time? I should just use as is? This will be a B4J only project.
Below are some of the examples that blew up.
Private PMPicFile As B4XTableColumn
PMPicFile = MyB4XTable.AddColumn("PMPicFile", "PMP_Name", 0, 0, UnSchedOpsList.COLUMN_TYPE_TEXT)
This is the help for the old version
Here are more. For brevity I am just posting screenshots. If you want the code let me know and I will add it.
UnSchedOpsList is the B4XTable
HotJr_ReleasedCol is a B4XTableColumn, B4XStringFormatter is another Class module
StrFormatter failing is causing all of the following to fail.:
Dim HJ As B4XStringFormatter
HotJr_ReleasedCol.StrFormatter = HJ
Dim HotJob As B4XFormatStringData = HotJr_ReleasedCol.StrFormatter.NewFormatData
HotJob.BackColor = xui.Color_Red
HotJob.FormatFont = xui.CreateDefaultBoldFont(UnSchedOpsList.LabelsFont.Size)
HotJob.RangeStart = "Hot"
HotJob.RangeEnd = "Hot"
HJ.FormatFieldName = "Os_JobNum"
HotJr_ReleasedCol.StrFormatter.AddFormatData(HotJob, HJ.SEARCH_TYPE_EQUALS, True, True)