You understood right.. I mean these lines in the back of any company agreement that are printed and very small and lite gray fonts, so you first can't see them, then when you see them can't read them. In radio or televised ads also the. same.. the advertiser fist read the ad aloud, and when reaching the end he dramatically changes his voice to very quick, low, low-pitch and mean. and says "Restrictions apply, you must have lived in the moon for at least two years and be able to cross the manch sea with a bike.
I always think about lobbying in Congress to make it law that the font and size of ad conditions be the same as the body of the message.
Don't worry of the second paragraph because it is now invalid.. I don't want to explain because may be I need it in the future, but a hint: it is about sharing your booty with your fellow B4Aers.