iOS Question iBarcode support for iPad running - OS version: iOS 16.4.1


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Hi Erel,

I wanted to confirm that iBarcode supports iPad on - OS version: iOS 16.4.1

I recently submitted an update to an App using iBarcode and got a crash report when it was run or simulated on an iPad - OS version: iOS 16.4.1. The crash happened at the .Start method. I resubmitted to resolve in case this was a simulator running the scan several times second, but if it comes back with same behaviour I wanted to be proactive to confirm the library is compatible with this ipad and iOS version. I'm using jdk 11 with b4i and B4iBuildSever 8.10.

It works with iPhone flawlessly and I assumed it should with iPad.

As I get feedback from iStore I will respond to this thread ASAP


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Attaching the crash logs for your kind vet


  • crashlog-8E9D827F-4D9C-43F8-8BC6-500DFADD1419.txt
    15.9 KB · Views: 145
  • crashlog-24969F7C-DF21-4B2E-9FEB-DA60785AF467.txt
    16 KB · Views: 173
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Sorry for information overload but last bit of info is that I used b4i 8.10 to submit to iStore 3 months ago and it was approved. So I can only assume one of the following is the cause:

1) Apple using some new algorithm that tries to saturate functions via visual trigger elements in the app for which my new constraints will stop that from crashing the library
2) A change in the iBarcode library
3) A change in b4i or B4iBuildServer from 8.10 to 8.30

My bet is on point #1 but not discounting any possible cause. I'm still awaiting the new review results to see if it crashes at Start method again.
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B4X founder
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Step 1:


Step 2: paste here and click on validate:

"imageOffset": 40340,
"symbol": "__exceptionPreprocess",
"symbolLocation": 164,
"imageIndex": 9
}, {
"imageOffset": 99280,
"symbol": "objc_exception_throw",
"symbolLocation": 60,
"imageIndex": 7
}, {
"imageOffset": 98020,
"symbol": "-[AVCaptureSession addInput:]",
"symbolLocation": 772,
"imageIndex": 14
}, {
"imageOffset": 429068,
"symbol": "-[MTBBarcodeScanner setDeviceInput:session:]",
"symbolLocation": 676,
"imageIndex": 0
}, {
"imageOffset": 426044,
"symbol": "-[MTBBarcodeScanner newSessionWithCaptureDevice:]",
"symbolLocation": 168,
"imageIndex": 0
}, {
"imageOffset": 422408,
"symbol": "-[MTBBarcodeScanner startScanningWithResultBlock:]",
"symbolLocation": 188,
"imageIndex": 0
}, {
"imageOffset": 420700,
"symbol": "-[iBarcode Start]",
"symbolLocation": 84,
"imageIndex": 0
}, {
"imageOffset": 134532,
"symbol": "-[b4i_main _scanimage_click]",
"symbolLocation": 96,
"imageIndex": 0

It fails to start the camera. I cannot say whether it is a real issue or it happens because they are testing it on a device with no camera. You should add Try / Catch around the barcode.start call and show a message that camera isn't available.
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Excellent I will catch if device not found and display the appropriate message, this has to be the potential issue.. Cheers!
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Excellent I will catch if device not found and display the appropriate message, this has to be the potential issue.. Cheers!
Hi Erel,

It was just accepted before me submitting with the Try/Catch block so it seems they were either attempting multiple scans within 1 to 5secs which I now prevent or a new tester attempted a real or virtual device with Camera present.

Either way I like your suggestion to cater for that exception of camera not present and will include that logic in future releases.
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