I use a seekbar from ICOSSeekbar library as below.
Once the seekbar is swiped CallSub("ClassName","MethodName") is called many times.
How can I call "CallSub("ClassName","MethodName")" only when the swipe is finished?
Sub seekbar_ValueChanged(num As Int, bool1 As Boolean)
If bool1 Then
If num == 0 Then
seekbar.Value = 1
lbl.Text = 1
Else If num == 1 Then
seekbar.Value = 1
lbl.Text = 1
Else If num == 2 Then
seekbar.Value = 2
lbl.Text = 2
Else If num == 3 Then
seekbar.Value = 3
lbl.Text = 5
Else If num == 4 Then
seekbar.Value = 4
lbl.Text = 10
Else If num == 5 Then
seekbar.Value = 5
lbl.Text = 15
End If
End If
End Sub
Once the seekbar is swiped CallSub("ClassName","MethodName") is called many times.
How can I call "CallSub("ClassName","MethodName")" only when the swipe is finished?