Android Question List add multiple columns


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I have an sql query that returns 4 columns.
How can i add the data to a list so that each row in the list is a record from the result of the query but the list will also reflect the 4 columns?


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Longtime User
Define a Type, create an instance for each row add it to the list. You can then easily sort the data on any column using the List SortType Methods.
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Brian Dean

Well-Known Member
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How can i add the data to a list so that each row in the list is a record from the result
You create a Type, like this ...
Type sectionRec (id As Int, title As String, row As Int)
Then you transfer the data from each SQL record to a new object like this ...
Public Sub getSections(pageId As Int) As List
    Dim cur As ResultSet
    Dim result As List
    cur = dB.ExecQuery(SQL_SELECT_SECTIONS & pageId & " ORDER BY Row")
    Do While cur.NextRow
        Dim s As sectionRec
        s.Id = cur.GetInt2(0)
        s.title = cur.GetString2(1)
        s.row = cur.GetInt2(2)
    Return result
End Sub
I hope that helps.
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DBUtils2.ExecuteMemoryTable (SQL As SQL, Query As String, StringArgs As String, Limit As Int)
Executes the query and returns the result as a list of arrays.
Each item in the list is a strings array.
StringArgs - Values to replace question marks in the query. Pass Null if not needed.
Limit - Limits the results. Pass 0 for all results.
Returns : List
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Another option could be a LOM (list of maps). Each record is returned in a map (key = field; value = data) and each map is added to a list.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Another option could be a LOM (list of maps). Each record is returned in a map (key = field; value = data) and each map is added to a list.

DBUtils2.ExecuteMap(SQL As SQL, Query As String, StringArgs As String)
'Executes the query and returns a Map with the column names as the keys
'and the first record values As the entries values.
'The keys are lower cased.
'Returns an uninitialized map if there are no results.
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