B4J Code Snippet Locale aware Double to String conversion with minimum and maximum decimal control

As per request by @moore_it, this code snippet is a slight modification of a locale aware Double to String method I posted here: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/solved-setting-a-decimal-separator.105981/#post-663491. The only change I made is that this version allows control over the minimum and maximum number of decimal places to display.

Sub DisplayDouble2(language As String, region As String, number As Double, minDecimals As Int, maxDecimals As Int) As String
   Dim jo As JavaObject
   jo = jo.InitializeNewInstance("java.util.Locale.Builder", Null)
   Dim locale As JavaObject = jo.RunMethodJO("setLanguage", Array As Object(language)).RunMethodJO("setRegion", Array As Object(region)).RunMethod("build", Null)
   Dim numberFormatter As JavaObject = jo.InitializeStatic("java.text.NumberFormat").RunMethod("getNumberInstance", Array As Object(locale))
   numberFormatter.RunMethod("setMinimumFractionDigits", Array As Object (minDecimals))
   numberFormatter.RunMethod("setMaximumFractionDigits", Array As Object (maxDecimals))
   Dim retVal As String = numberFormatter.RunMethod("format", Array As Object(number))
   Return retVal
End Sub


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Sorry for opening up this thread again but it seems the most appropriate place since @OliverA will probably get a notification but perhaps someone else can help.

I am using Olivers's great code snippet posted above (as is):
Sub DisplayDouble2(language As String, region As String, number As Double, minDecimals As Int, maxDecimals As Int) As String
   Dim jo As JavaObject
   jo = jo.InitializeNewInstance("java.util.Locale.Builder", Null)
   Dim locale As JavaObject = jo.RunMethodJO("setLanguage", Array As Object(language)).RunMethodJO("setRegion", Array As Object(region)).RunMethod("build", Null)
   Dim numberFormatter As JavaObject = jo.InitializeStatic("java.text.NumberFormat").RunMethod("getNumberInstance", Array As Object(locale))
   numberFormatter.RunMethod("setMinimumFractionDigits", Array As Object (minDecimals))
   numberFormatter.RunMethod("setMaximumFractionDigits", Array As Object (maxDecimals))
   Dim retVal As String = numberFormatter.RunMethod("format", Array As Object(number))
   Return retVal
End Sub

and call it to get a string value in return as follows:
Dim impEUR As Double
    Dim dblImp, dblCambio As Double
    Dim strImpEUR As String
    impEUR = dblImp/dblCambio
    strImpEUR = DisplayDouble("it","IT", impEUR)

It works just fine when running the app from the B4J IDE (also in debug).
If I pass on 2324.12 which is retrieved from a SQL database, the string variable returned (strImpEUR) is the Italian equivalent i.e. 2.324,12 which is correct since Italian uses the comma as a decimal separator.

However, if I build a Standalone Package and run the same app, the value returned is 2,324.12.
As you can see, the decimal separator is not changed and remains as a dot.

The computer is the same and regional settings are configured to use Italian. JDK is 11.0.1

I am a bit lost as to why the code snippet is behaving differently. Maybe it is due to something else?

Any ideas?
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