iOS Tutorial Mails and SMS messages

MailComposer and MessageComposer types from the iPhone library allow the user to send mails and SMS messages from your app. The users will see a pre-filled form which they can modify and send.

(press on the small gear button and set the quality to HD)

Not all devices support these two features. You should check whether the feature is supported or not. In this example it is done with this code:

mailButton.Enabled = mailc.CanSendMail
smsButton.Enabled = smsc.CanSendText

The next step is to dim and initialize MailComposer or MessageComposer, fill the fields and show the composer:
Private Sub SendMail
   'always dim and initialize the MailComposer before you use it
   Dim mailc As MailComposer
   mailc.SetToRecipients(Array("[email protected]", "[email protected]"))
   mailc.SetSubject("This is the subject")
   mailc.SetBody("This is the <b>body</b>.", True)
   'create a file and add it as an attachment
   File.WriteString(File.DirTemp, "1.txt", "hello world")
   mailc.AddAttachment(File.DirTemp, "1.txt", "text/plain")
End Sub

The Complete event will be raised with the result:
Sub Mailc_Complete (Result As Int)
   If Result = mailc.RESULT_SENT Then
     hd.ToastMessageShow("Message sent", True)
     hd.ToastMessageShow("Message was not sent", True)
   End If
End Sub

The project is attached.


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Is it possible to send an email or sms autmatically without showing the email or sms UI?

Dan Harding

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How do you call a phone number or send an address to the map app?

I've found half of the answer - this will open a browser to display a map:

Dim addr, url As String
addr = pAddress
addr = addr.Replace(" ", "+")
url = "" & addr

where pAddress is a parameter containing a street address and Main is the initial object of the app.
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How do you call a phone number

If App.CanOpenURL("tel:") = True Then
End If


If App.CanOpenURL("telprompt:") = True Then
End If

Douglas Farias

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How can i remove the message "Sent by my iphone" from body?
i dont add this text, iphone add automatic. can i remove this mensage ?

valentino s

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Hi Erel, could you please explain better "Not all devices support these two features. You should check whether the feature is supported or not" ?
I need to send SMS.
Can I be sure that this function will work on any device that is able to normally send SMS ?


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So, only devices that doesn't have a SIM card, or devices that have SIM card but not SMS enabled (data only) will return false with smsc.CanSendText.
All other devices will be able to send SMS with MessageComposer.
Correct ?


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Is tehre a way to keep the mail app open so I can add info to the contents of the email ?
It seems the mail gets sent immediately ?



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The email is not sent until the user click the send button, so he can add anything he likes in the body before sending.