Android Question New Android 8, API 26 requirement

Lee Gillie CCP

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We have 2 models of tablets deployed to the fleet. Just a couple ASUS model P00i. I don't know what version of Android is running on these, nor what is available. The majority of our tablets are LG VK700. These are running Android 5.0.2. Is there some way for me to know if Android 8.0 will be provided for these models in the near future?

So if we are required to target API 26 which I understand "is" Android 8.0, and these tablets have old Android 5.0.2 or perhaps older, how is that supposed to work?


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If your devices have Android 5 they will not be updated with Android 8 at least by official updates.
Otherwise you would have already had updates of 6 and 7. You are still with Android 5 so there are no more updates and certainly never with such a jump of three versions.

In general, the devices are updated for one or two versions at most, with the exception of the NEXUS versions (which may be of different brands) which updates them to Google and also provides preview updates. I add that the released versions are really tested on NEXUS devices.

Even if you put Tagrget SDK 26, you can set the minimum target much lower. With the target version you indicate which version is principally oriented but not the minimum compatibility version. In any case setting Target 26 you have to set the options to make it functional for that version, then the necessary permissions and the various changes that have been illustrated abundantly in the forum by @Erel
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the most manufacturers do not care os upgrades because the risk to break it.
other reasion are the system requirements.
i think you need to ask the device support for asus/lg or if someone click search updates newer android should appear first.
normal android have some kind of backward compatibility. (a bit matter of luck)

about jump from 5 to 8, maybe there are nerds that do it on own risk and share this os
for your device.

a new good tablet you can get for ~ < 90€
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Lee Gillie CCP

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Thanks... not really wanting to push the envelope with "creative version updating". But at the same time want our existing projects to continue to develop, deploy, and operate compatibly. Thanks for the explanations. It was starting to sound like a bit of a pickle, but I can see now it is not.
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