Android Question Picture into the button with text


Licensed User

I want to put an Image and text in 4 buttons in a panel
The image to the left and text (bold and size 17) centered in the remaining width of the button

For example, my button (bt1) is sized with aspect ratio in my Panel (pnl3) and a margin (z) between the others buttons . Like this :

x = 100%x /100
y = 100%y /100
z = 6dip

pnl3.SetLeftAndRight (0 * x, 100 * x)
pnl3.SetTopAndBottom (30 * y, 100 * y)

bt1.SetLeftAndRight (((100 / 6) * x) + z, (100 * (5 / 6) * x) - z)
bt1.SetTopAndBottom (0 * y + z, (0.25 * 70) * y - z)

Can you please tell me how I can do to insert my images and text in each button

Thank you very much for your help