Android Question Possible to read Version number from b4xlib in B4A?


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I have a manifest file in my b4xlib, which contains the version number of the lib. However, I would also like my lib to be able to report the version number to the "main" app that uses the lib. (You know, typically for showing in an about dialog or something like that.)

Is there a way for either the lib itself, or the main app, to read the version number from the manifest?

I found this thread, but it's quite old and I thought that perhaps different rules might apply to b4xlibs.

(I do realize that I can add a sub in the b4xlib that reports a hard-coded version number. But in that case I would have to manually edit that version number all the time to sync with the one in the manifest, or have the build process edit the source, which is slightly scary and not something I long for.)
There is no relation between AndroidManifest.xml, which is the result of the manifest editor and the b4xlib manifest files. The b4xlib manifests are not added to your compiled project. They are only used by the IDE.