Android Question Problem with responsive layout by designer scripts


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I want to make my layout responsive.
First I'd make my design to fit perfectly to my tablet screen.
Then I want to make it responsive by setting how much % it should have for example if editbox should have width 300px and my screen width is 600 - I will setup in designer scripts myeditbox.width = 50%x
etc. so I had written to the paper following proporties of each of my elements:

Left Top Width Height

And calcute % values. Then I make my designer script like:

firstelement.left = somenumber%x = somenumber%y
firstelement.width = somenumber%x
firstelement.height = somenumber%y
secondelement.left = somenumber%x
........ etc.

When I comment my designer scripts and there will be only AutoScaleAll - In normal mode my layout width is only maybe 70% of tablet screen but if I switch into the designer script mode (there's only AutoScaleAll option) and run it layout width is equal to my tablet width - as it should be.
So why in normal (not designer) mode layout width is only about 70% of my tablet screen width ? (There's a same problem with height too).

And when I try to run my responsive designer script (as shown up) in the designer mode will layout have again only about 70% of real tablet screen width & height.
When I run my final app, the app will also consume only 70% of tablet real width & height.

Where's the problem ?

Thank's you very much for help, hope you understand me. My app zipped in attachment.


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B4X founder
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You shouldn't use percentage to create a responsive layout.
Use anchors. It is much more simpler and powerful:



Only leave the AutoScaleAll call.
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Than you for your quick answer.You really help me.

Everything works exactly as I want since I redesigned my app with anchors.

Also I realised that my solution with % work good too but I must comment AutoScaleAll and multiple each % value by 1.3 for example (firstelement.left = somenumber%x * 1.3).

Thank you very much for support. Thread can be closed now.
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It worked on every device listed in abstract designer + on my device - so i thought it will work everywhere. (I know that for scale rate I should calcute delta and that way apply that value) - but it doesn't matter I used anchors method.
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Hi Erel

I have a problem. My first design is for a resolution 1600x2560, and now I want to change 1536x2048, and logically I don´t have place in the new design for all the controls. (First figure, the first design, and second figure, the second design).

As you can see, if I use "anchor" and autoscaleall, I have the posibility to adjust the width, but.. could I have the possibilty to adjust the heigth????



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Thanks Erel

I wrote in this post because a I thought that the question has been created.
Sorry and thanks again for your help

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