Android Question Remove customlistview item


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I add 10 item to customlistview example below
1: for i = 0 to 10
   2: dim p1 as panel
   3: p1.initialize("")
   4: customlistview1.add(p1,100,i)
   5: p1.loadlayout("frm1")
6: next
when i remove item from 10 items,and again remove item then get error that not exist index
i use index from line 4 variable i


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You don't need to handle the index of items (at least, not in this case).
You should use the same method you can see in the example project
(you should use the names of your views instead of Button and clv3, of course):

Sub Button_Click
    Dim index As Int
    index = clv3.GetItemFromView(Sender)

'    Dim pnl As Panel
'    pnl = clv3.GetPanel(index)
'    Dim lbl As Label
'    Dim chk As CheckBox
'    lbl = pnl.GetView(0)
'    chk = pnl.GetView(2)
'    lbl.Text = "Clicked!"
'    Msgbox("Item value: " & clv3.GetValue(index) & CRLF & "Check value: " & chk.Checked, "")
     ' This if you want remove the Item
End Sub
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Thank you.the GetItemFromView method return parent panel index?
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