B4J Question [SOLVED]! ABMaterial for dummies blank template non working (so no hello world )

Gnappo jr

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Nel tutorial nel filmato dello stimato e apprezzato Mashiane ,
alla fine viene mostrato che, nella catella TEMPLATE avviando il programma Template.b4j si ottiene il tanto desiderato [blank template]
Purtoppo facendo lo stesso identico procedimento con la versione [ABMaterial4.30.zip] appena scaricata non ottengo nulla, allego anche la schermata dei messaggi log.
Le lezioni del tutorial e la DEMO di ABMaterial invece funzionano tutti.
Dov'è il problema?
Prego i vari esperti di dare un suggerimento concreto evitando inutilità come vedere filmetti relativi a piccoli passi o risposte lapalissiane come leggi bene il tutorial.


In the tutorial in the movie of the esteemed and appreciated Mashiane,
at the end it is shown that, in the TEMPLATE folder, starting the Template.b4j program, you get the much desired [blank template]
Unfortunately doing the same identical procedure with the version [ABMaterial4.30.zip] just downloaded I don't get anything, I also attach the screen of the log messages.
The tutorial lessons and the ABMaterial DEMO instead all work.
Where is the problem?
I ask the various experts to give a concrete suggestion avoiding uselessness like seeing films related to small steps or self-explanatory answers as you read the tutorial well.

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Longtime User
Where is your www directory, and what is in the www directory? For example:
When you copy the Template directory to another directory (let's say FirstApp), then the files in that directory should be
04/23/2020 04:08 PM <DIR> .
04/23/2020 04:08 PM <DIR> ..
04/15/2019 10:43 AM 14,850 ABMApplication.bas
04/15/2019 10:43 AM 6,414 ABMCacheControl.bas
04/15/2019 10:43 AM 519 ABMCacheScavenger.bas
04/15/2019 10:43 AM 1,940 ABMCustomComponentTemplate.bas
04/15/2019 10:43 AM 5,299 ABMErrorHandler.bas
04/15/2019 10:43 AM 7,749 ABMPageTemplate.bas
04/15/2019 10:43 AM 7,482 ABMPageTemplateAlternative.bas
04/15/2019 10:43 AM 398 ABMRootFilter.bas
04/15/2019 10:43 AM 10,554 ABMShared.bas
04/15/2019 10:43 AM 2,115 ABMUploadHandler.bas
04/15/2019 10:43 AM 5,969 DBM.bas
04/15/2019 10:43 AM <DIR> Objects
04/15/2019 10:43 AM 1,912 Template.b4j
04/15/2019 10:43 AM 795 Template.b4j.meta
The Objects folder should contain
04/23/2020 04:09 PM <DIR> .
04/23/2020 04:09 PM <DIR> ..
04/15/2019 10:43 AM <DIR> www
The www folder should have
04/23/2020 04:10 PM <DIR> .
04/23/2020 04:10 PM <DIR> ..
04/15/2019 10:43 AM <DIR> css
04/15/2019 10:43 AM <DIR> font
04/15/2019 10:43 AM <DIR> js
04/15/2019 10:43 AM <DIR> template
The css folder will have a lot of files
04/23/2020 04:12 PM <DIR> .
04/23/2020 04:12 PM <DIR> ..
04/15/2019 10:43 AM 7,899 abmcomposer.min.css
04/15/2019 10:43 AM 4,289 abmcomposer.min.css.backup
04/15/2019 10:43 AM 8,496 abmfilemanager.css
04/15/2019 10:43 AM 6,443 abmfilemanager.min.css
04/15/2019 10:43 AM 1,853 abmpivot.min.css
04/15/2019 10:43 AM 7,289 APlayer.min.css
04/15/2019 10:43 AM 3,420 bootstrap-material-datetimepicker.min.css
04/15/2019 10:43 AM 821 chartist-plugin-tooltip.css
04/15/2019 10:43 AM 11,463 chartist.min.css
04/15/2019 10:43 AM 4,245 chronology.3.75.min.css
04/15/2019 10:43 AM <DIR> custom
04/15/2019 10:43 AM 37,309 default.jpg
04/15/2019 10:43 AM <DIR> fonts
04/15/2019 10:43 AM 11,764 fullcalendar.min.css
04/15/2019 10:43 AM <DIR> icons
04/15/2019 10:43 AM 13,405 instagram.min.css
04/15/2019 10:43 AM 21,808 jquery.treetable.min.css
04/15/2019 10:43 AM 4,096 jssocials-theme-classic.css
04/15/2019 10:43 AM 3,745 jssocials-theme-flat.css
04/15/2019 10:43 AM 9,284 jssocials-theme-minima.css
04/15/2019 10:43 AM 1,764 jssocials-theme-plain.css
04/15/2019 10:43 AM 1,307 jssocials.css
04/23/2020 04:12 PM 0 list.txt
04/15/2019 10:43 AM 119,428 materialize.4.26.min.css
04/15/2019 10:43 AM 14,312 mobiscroll.min.css
04/15/2019 10:43 AM 3,477 nouislider.min.css
04/15/2019 10:43 AM 962 simplebar.min.css
04/15/2019 10:43 AM 5,617 smart_wizard.min.css
04/15/2019 10:43 AM 7,449 Squire-UI.3.75.min.css
04/15/2019 10:43 AM 275 subtotal.min.css
04/15/2019 10:43 AM <DIR> themes
04/15/2019 10:43 AM 70,893 timeline.3.00.min.css
04/15/2019 10:43 AM 41,717 zocial.min.css
And so on. Without the www folder in the right place (for development, it should be in the Objects folder of your project), nothing will work (and this will produce the log messages that you are seeing.

Clarification: When you copy the Template directory, you need to copy ALL the files in the directory (including the Objects folder and all folders below it). Then you'll have the necessary files in place to start playing with ABM.
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Gnappo jr

Active Member
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Longtime User
Where is your www directory, and what is in the www directory? For example:
When you copy the Template directory to another directory (let's say FirstApp), then the files in that directory should be

The Objects folder should contain

The www folder should have

The css folder will have a lot of files

And so on. Without the www folder in the right place (for development, it should be in the Objects folder of your project), nothing will work (and this will produce the log messages that you are seeing.

Clarification: When you copy the Template directory, you need to copy ALL the files in the directory (including the Objects folder and all folders below it). Then you'll have the necessary files in place to start playing with ABM.

Grazie amico del tuo interessamento:
i file e le directory sono esattamente come tu hai indicato e la strutture e i nomi files sono uguali!
Ho scaricato il software ABMaterial4.30.zip
e l'ho scompattato in una cartella [AB] come mostrato in figura
. Cattura2.PNG
Dentro la cartella template c'è template.b4j che eseguo, i file object e www etc. ecc. sono ovviamente presenti perchè non sposto nulla.
Anzi se importo About.bas della lezione 1 del tutorial quello funziona, quindi è palese che qualcosa è sbagliato nella cartella template originale.

Thank you friend for your interest:
the files and directories are exactly as you indicated and the structures and file names are the same!
I downloaded the ABMaterial4.30.zip software
and unpacked it in a folder [AB] as shown in the figure.
Inside the template folder there is template.b4j that I run, the object files and www etc. etc. they are obviously present because I don't move anything.
In fact, if I import About.bas of lesson 1 of the tutorial that works, then it is clear that something is wrong in the original template folder.
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Gnappo jr

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Non ricordo se ho sbagliato nel selezionare tra Tutorial o Domanda, se sto sbagliando spiegatemelo altrimenti tra poco ci vuole un avvocato! Spero di essere nel therad giusto. Desidererei che qualcuno che a differenza di me ha capito come si parte con ABMaterial verificasse ciò che asserisco, poi non disturbo più promesso!

1)- scaricare e unzippare ABMaterial4.30.zip
2) -aprire la cartella Template e lanciare Template.b4j

Dovrebbe apparire un template vuoto! Invece ottengo solo cerchi che girano. Sono io che sono di coccio o qualcun'altro?

I don't remember if I was wrong to select between Tutorial or Question, if I'm wrong explain it to me otherwise I need a lawyer! I hope to be in the right therad. I would like someone who unlike me to understand how to start with ABMaterial to verify what I am claiming, then I won't bother you anymore!

1) - download and unzip ABMaterial4.30.zip https://www.dropbox.com/s/lnu67inqrb8x7ue/ABMaterial4.30.zip?dl=1
2) -open the Template folder and launch Template.b4j

An empty template should appear instead I just get circles that spin. Am I a crock or someone else?
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I just downloaded ABM via the link you provided and ran the Template project both in Debug and Release and found out that the integrated viewer only works properly with Firefox (I'm on version 75). When using Chrome (Version 81.0.4044.122 (Official Build) (64-bit)) I get the spinning circles and when using Edge (the non-Chromium based one) then nothing is pulled up (all the devices are blank). Interesting. Other info about my setup:

Java used:
a) C:\Program Files\Amazon Corretto\jdk1.8.0_252\bin\javac.exe
b) C:\OpenJDK\jdk-11.0.1\bin\javac.exe

B4J version: 7.80 (looks like I'm behind)

Windows: 10 Pro 1909 (64 bit)
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Update: Going straight to
The same thing occurs: Firefox OK, but both Edge and Chrome are spinning.

Using ABM 4.51:
Both integrated viewer and direct localhost access work for both Firefox and Chrome. The integrated viewer does NOT work with Edge, but the localhost access DOES work with Edge.
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Gnappo jr

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Update: Going straight to
The same thing occurs: Firefox OK, but both Edge and Chrome are spinning.

Using ABM 4.51:
Both integrated viewer and direct localhost access work for both Firefox and Chrome. The integrated viewer does NOT work with Edge, but the localhost access DOES work with Edge.
The rotating circles also appear to me, they are the result of the index.html page you see them only with that also without ABMaterial.
The goal is to see an empty template
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Ok. How to fix this. Looks like the Template's www folder may have some oddball files. So what I did is copy the Demo's www directory and overwrote the Template's www directory. Windows told me that 651 would be overwritten (of some 1300+). After that, everything seems to work.

Update: see below fix for proper fix
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Ignore the above fix. Proper fix:
Delete www folder in template (under Objects) and replace with www folder found in Library. That seems to fix it (and you're not using a bunch of stuff that's for the Demo).
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Gnappo jr

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Ignore the above fix. Proper fix:
Delete www folder in template (under Objects) and replace with www folder found in Library. That seems to fix it (and you're not using a bunch of stuff that's for the Demo).
Thanks OliverA for your valuable suggestions, unfortunately I still get circles that run but I will make further attempts. I am using B4J 7.80
Could you insert in response a screen shot of what you get and if I don't ask too much of the b4j execution log?
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unfortunately I still get circles that run but I will make further attempts.

Ok. Maybe I have it figured out now. What version of ABMaterial do you have selected in you Libraries Manager of the B4J IDE? If the version does not match the version of the template used (For example the Template from 4.30 does not work when using ABMaterial (version 4.51)). It looks like you have an ABMaterial library older than 4.30 installed in your additional libraries folder (at least that is where it should be). Delete it out and replace it with the ABMaterial4.30.jar and ABMaterial4.30.xml file. Again, make sure that in the Libraries Manager, the version of the selected ABMaterial library is 4.30. As to the Template folder, start with the one in your zip file (in case you changed it as I suggested in my previous posts).
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Gnappo jr

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OliverA sei una una persona veramente capace e gentile, ha trovato un problema veramente nascosto, hai scavato a fondo non fermandoti all'apparenze, vivissimi complimenti, sarà d'aiuto a tanti.
Non solo ora funziona TEMPLATE, ma funziona anche CHAT e il resto! Come se con un colpo solo avessi fatto strike !
Eppure il compilatore non avvisa di avere una libreria vecchi o mancante, come può non arrendersi uno sviluppatore difronte a questo? OliverA Senza il tuo intervento averi mollato tutto e mi sarei precluso cio che questo ABMaterial potrebbe essere.
Allego per completezza alcune immagini con le quali il prossimo che cadrà nella buca ne possa trovare giovamento.

OliverA you are a truly capable and kind person, she has found a truly hidden problem, you have dug deeply, not stopping at appearances, very warm compliments, she will help many.
Not only does TEMPLATE work now, but CHAT and the rest also works! As if with one shot I had made strike !
Yet the compiler does not warn of having an old or missing library, how can a developer not give up on this? OliverA Without your intervention I would have given up everything and I would have precluded what this ABMaterial could be.

For completeness, I am attaching some images with which the neighbor who will fall into the hole can benefit from it.


  • Cattura3.PNG
    41.7 KB · Views: 286
  • Cattura4.PNG
    94.3 KB · Views: 296
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