B4J Question [SOLVED] B4J "B4X" ActionBar Not Available?


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I have same question. Trying to start with B4j so B4a and B4i are easier later. (recently heard casual comment about that in a video)

B4a Way
    Dim bd As BitmapDrawable
    B4XPages.GetManager.ActionBar.RunMethod("setHomeAsUpIndicator", Array(bd))
    B4XPages.GetManager.ActionBar.RunMethod("setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled", Array(True))
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Hello, can the ActionBar really be useful in a desktop program? There you have more space to put menus or other widgets. If you use the same screen structure for all 3, in the end the desktop will be very empty and poor. In any case if you have B4XDrawer available for all 3 platforms. See the example I gave you.

Not developing for desktop app. Nobody uses desktops any more.

My current incorrect understanding of "best practices" in B4X is:

If desired end result is BOTH a B4a app and a B4i app, then start with B4j.
Get the bones perfect.
Worry about UI when you get to B4a and ultimately B4i (get caught up on dues first).

I have solved this issue by some "#if B4J ... #else #if B4A ... #else b4i #end if" statements...


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Thank you.

For now, all I want is an "almost done" B4j program. Thought I would only have to worry about minor UI stuff in both B4a and B4i next. I guess some stuff is "major".

Only have found two reasonably "complete" B4j B4XPages examples. Was wondering why nothing B4j seems to have the whole menu, action-everything, etc.
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Thanks, All. This exercise made me realize I have been making some real fundamental mistakes in B4XPages.

I watched and read a bunch, then basically started over with the current thing.
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Thank you.

For now, all I want is an "almost done" B4j program. Thought I would only have to worry about minor UI stuff in both B4a and B4i next. I guess some stuff is "major".

Only have found two reasonably "complete" B4j B4XPages examples. Was wondering why nothing B4j seems to have the whole menu, action-everything, etc.
Hello, can the ActionBar really be useful in a desktop program? There you have more space to put menus or other widgets. If you use the same screen structure for all 3, in the end the desktop will be very empty and poor. In any case if you have B4XDrawer available for all 3 platforms. See the example I gave you.

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Hello, can the ActionBar really be useful in a desktop program? There you have more space to put menus or other widgets. If you use the same screen structure for all 3, in the end the desktop will be very empty and poor. In any case if you have B4XDrawer available for all 3 platforms. See the example I gave you.

Not developing for desktop app. Nobody uses desktops any more.

My current incorrect understanding of "best practices" in B4X is:

If desired end result is BOTH a B4a app and a B4i app, then start with B4j.
Get the bones perfect.
Worry about UI when you get to B4a and ultimately B4i (get caught up on dues first).

I have solved this issue by some "#if B4J ... #else #if B4A ... #else b4i #end if" statements using the same sub names in each.
Wrote some horrid-looking (who cares?) yet simple jActionBar with a jIkon and a jTitle.
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Nobody uses desktops any more.
Speak for yourself. I and many other professional, semi-professional and consumer users rely on desktop applications. Mobile apps don't have the feature sets and the devices not the power, to run REAL programs.
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Speak for yourself. I and many other professional, semi-professional and consumer users rely on desktop applications. Mobile apps don't have the feature sets and the devices not the power, to run REAL programs.
I wish I could still reach a user base on desktops. I think I am a dinosaur.
I miss AS/400, COBOL, VB6 (not really), Multiplan, Pong.

PS - Stationary people still go to offices with desktops?
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I've no idea what this means! Is it a question or a statement?
"Stationary" is an opposite of "mobile". Reference your assessment of "Mobile apps". Non-mobile users must be using those feature-rich desktop apps.

This entire blown attempt at irony has an underlying tone of "COVID remote working".

Sorry. It is just the way I talk code write. Everyone gets confused.

PS - Just in case you do not know this, I have much respect for your contributions here. I pillage lots of it.
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Well, A laptop is also a desktop computer. It is what people use for teleworking.... No one uses mobile devices for work...

I wonder why all "laptops" are not Android or iOS devices. Answer must features.

[my f$%# webOS TV]
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Just hit me while typing away on a real keyboard, the B4X IDE's and everything else are great examples of desktop applications. All those other IDE's too.
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