I built a CLV using this coding:
One of the views in the CLV item is called LabelSchedule. Elsewhere in my coding, the label will need to be changed to reflect a change in the schedule. I would like to change the text property of that label which happens to be at index number 3. For example I would like to change the text to "This is the new schedule...". I only want to change the text at that index. Can this be done without rebuilding the CLV?
The file attachment shows LabelSchedule in the Designer.
I built a CLV using this coding:
Activity.LoadLayout("SongList") ' This layout also contains a custom list view.
CSelections.Mode = CSelections.MODE_SINGLE_ITEM_PERMANENT
' Make panel slide down out of site.
PanelMenu.SetLayoutAnimated(300, 0, Activity.Height, Activity.Width, _
' Add 10 items to the list view.
For intIndex = 0 To 9
' typValues will be used to store values into the Type elements for the list views.
Dim typValues As typListItemValues
' Adding items to the list view requires a Panel created in code.
Dim p As B4XView = xui.CreatePanel("")
' This is the size for the panel and it will be animated.
p.SetLayoutAnimated(100, 0, 0, PanelSongList.Width, 200dip)
' Populate the views with values from the database.
Select intIndex
Case 0
LabelSongTitle.Text = kvs.Get("Song1Title")
LabelSchedule.Text = kvs.Get("Song1Schedule")
If kvs.Get("Song1ScheduleIsActivated") Then
ImageViewSongIsActivated.Bitmap = _
LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets, "light-on-icon.png")
ImageViewSongIsActivated.Bitmap = _
LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets, "light-off-icon.png")
End If
typValues.strSomeMoreText = "One"
Case 1
LabelSongTitle.Text = kvs.Get("Song2Title")
LabelSchedule.Text = kvs.Get("Song2Schedule")
If kvs.Get("Song2ScheduleIsActivated") Then
ImageViewSongIsActivated.Bitmap = _
LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets, "light-on-icon.png")
ImageViewSongIsActivated.Bitmap = _
LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets, "light-off-icon.png")
End If
typValues.strSomeMoreText = "Two"
Case 2
LabelSongTitle.Text = kvs.Get("Song3Title")
LabelSchedule.Text = kvs.Get("Song3Schedule")
If kvs.Get("Song3ScheduleIsActivated") Then
ImageViewSongIsActivated.Bitmap = _
LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets, "light-on-icon.png")
ImageViewSongIsActivated.Bitmap = _
LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets, "light-off-icon.png")
End If
typValues.strSomeMoreText = "Three"
End Select
typValues.LabelSongTitle = LabelSongTitle.Text
ImageViewPlayPauseSong.Tag = intIndex
' This is where the item row is added to the list view.
' Each list item has a set of Type structure elements associated with it.
One of the views in the CLV item is called LabelSchedule. Elsewhere in my coding, the label will need to be changed to reflect a change in the schedule. I would like to change the text property of that label which happens to be at index number 3. For example I would like to change the text to "This is the new schedule...". I only want to change the text at that index. Can this be done without rebuilding the CLV?
The file attachment shows LabelSchedule in the Designer.