I am trying to create simple sqlite table to json and vice versa
Below code gives the json from sqlite table (here I use the strings.db of localizator as example). Ok here.
Below code I try to insert the above json to similar db "strings_empty.db
But not working. I think the "lstRoot2" is not correct format for InsertMaps.
Any idea how to solve it ?
BTW I got the above codes from below, thanks to @LucaMs
Below code gives the json from sqlite table (here I use the strings.db of localizator as example). Ok here.
Dim JSONGen As JSONGenerator
JSONGen.Initialize(DBUtils.ExecuteJSON(sql, "SELECT key, lang, value FROM data", Null, 0, Array As String(DBUtils.DB_TEXT, DBUtils.DB_TEXT, DBUtils.DB_TEXT)))
Dim JSONString As String
JSONString = JSONGen.ToPrettyString(4)
Below code I try to insert the above json to similar db "strings_empty.db
Dim lstRecords2 As List
Dim parser2 As JSONParser
Dim mapRoot2 As Map = parser2.NextObject
Dim lstRoot2 As List = mapRoot2.Get("root")
Dim result2 As Boolean = DBUtils.InsertMaps(sql2, "data", lstRoot2)
But not working. I think the "lstRoot2" is not correct format for InsertMaps.
Any idea how to solve it ?
BTW I got the above codes from below, thanks to @LucaMs
Exporting Sqlite data
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