B4J Question [SOLVED!] Tika application deployment catch-22


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So, I incorporated Tika into two Elasticsearch applications that I am building (one for indexing content and another for retrieving and manipulating search results in a UI) and all is working great in my development environment! Now I am looking at deployment and have run into a bit of a catch-22 situation.

According to https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/nlp-apache-tika-text-extraction.133494/,
  1. "Tika will not work with the standalone package (which is the same as B4JPackager11)."
  2. "This library requires Java 11+: https://www.b4x.com/b4j.html"
I thought, no problem, I will just deploy as a jar file and run the programs from the command line. Unfortunately, I get the dreaded "JavaFX runtime components are missing, and are required to run this application" error when trying to run the jar file from the command line. The only solution I could find for this error in the forums is to use the B4JPackager but that will not work (see bullet 1 above). I briefly considered using Java 8, but, see bullet 2 above.

This is not a question for my development environment. Rather, it is a question for computers that this application will be deployed to.

So, any suggestions as to what I should try next?




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You can start a Java + JavaFX 11 jar from the command line. Windows example: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/t...les-to-minimize-disk-usage.121642/post-760317
This looks like it will work great. I copied the jdk with the JavaFX directory to a test folder to see if I can distribute the required files in a zip file for deployment to other computers. I then tested running my applications from this test folder using the method you provided. It seems to be working. However, I have not yet tested deploying the "package" to a non-development computer. I suspect it will work though!

Once I get this all setup I plan to provide installation/configuration instructions and making it available as a free app. I will post something back to the "Share my Creation" forum when it is available.

Thanks again,

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