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Simple Game Engine

There are two new features in the version 1.3: the support of 9-patch PNG images and the ability to clip the rendering (either with the new class sgePath or with the SetClipBounds function of sgeGroup). The sgePath class can interpret SVG Path commands.
I added also two new examples. You should have a look at UIElements which demonstrates how to create UI elements (button, checkbox, list, progress bar, radio button, toggle button), handle events in an efficient manner, and apply styles to your UI (using 9-patches).

A few screenshots: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/simplegameengine.78344/page-3#post-524757

Version 1.3:
- I added IsInitialized and SplitNinePatch to sgeAssetManager;
- I added the FontSmoothingType and LineJoin properties to sgeGraphics;
- I added CreatePath and DrawNinePatch to sgeGraphics;
- I added the sgePath class;
- I added ClearClipBounds, SetClipBounds, and DebugDraw to sgeGroup;
- I added IsInitialized to sgeScreen;
- I added two examples: Shapes\Paths and UIElements.


Licensed User
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Simple Game Engine

I introduced a few bugs with the new features of the last version. They are fixed now.
I also fixed a very old bug in the computation of group size and I added the missing event for keys (KeyTyped).
I greatly improved the UIElements demo with two new objects: EditText and ChoiceBox.

Version 1.4:
- I fixed a bug in sgeAssetManager.SplitNinePatch;
- I fixed a bug in sgeGraphics.DrawNinePatch;
- I fixed a bug in sgeGroup.ClearClipBounds and sgeGroup.SetClipBounds;
- I fixed a bug in sgeGroup.DebugDraw;
- I fixed a bug in sgeGroup.Width and sgeGroup.Height;
- I added InitializeWithNinePatch and SetNinePatch to sgeActor;
- I added SplitNinePatch2 to sgeAssetManager;
- I added DrawNinePatch2 to sgeGraphics;
- I added the KeyTyped event to sgeInput;
- I added the sgeNinePatch class;
- I improved the UIElements demo and added three classes: clsEditText, clsChoiceBox et UIManager.


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Many library developers know the script of Martin Pearman that converts the XML file to HTML or BB code. Unfortunately, this script contains several bugs and, whenever I use it, I spend a lot of time to fix the errors by hand (e.g. more than 300 errors to fix in the documentation of SimpleGameEngine). So I decided to create a tool with B4J to replace the script. This tool uses templates so you can customize the output. Currently the default result is similar to the Pearman's script.

This is not reserved to library developers. Any B4A/B4J user can use the tool to produce a documentation from the XML file of a library.

The B4J source code is provided.


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MenuManager v0.2

Fixes a bug when adding a tooltip on a MenuCustomClass item to a context menu
Added a parameter MouseTransparent to the hideonclick sub in the MenuCustomClass
Changed css menu class names to avoid conflict.
Added css example stylesheet template
Rewritten the demo to make it clearer.
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FormUtils Various utilities not exposed in the core libs for a Form that I use on a regular basis, including Adding an icon image to be used in the window decorations and when minimized, which has the bonus of also adding it to the form.


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MultiRowTabPane Basic implementation of a multi row tab pane. Complete source code including minimal wrap for Flowpane, stackpane and Togglegroup.


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MultiRowTabPane Update: 1.1 Changed the two callsub3 in Btn_Action and setSelectedIndex to CallSubDelayed3 to avoid the possibility of missing RaiseSynchroniousEvents errors.


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jRLDialogsX v1.80

NEW: jRLDialogsXFiles.jar holding additional files from the library Files folder. This file must be located in the B4J Additional Libraries folder.
NEW: ListFindDialog with a find item option - first non Inline Java Dialog (requires jRLDialogsXFiles.jar)
UPD: Icons (for dialogs DidYouKnow and LoginDialog2) are included in jRLDialogsXFiles.jar
UPD: LoginDialog and Login2Dialog2 with textfield vertical grow option
UPD: SimpleformDialog set request focus on first field
NEW: Library renamed from jRLDialogs8 to jRLDialogsX

IMPORTANT: Library renamed to jRLDialogX. Any reference to the Dialogs8 object must be changed to DialogsX.
Furthermore an additional Java Archive is added, which holds the files from the library Files folder. So far the library used Inline Java for defining the dialogs, but wanted to be able to define dialog classes beyond Inline Java Dialogs. Explored several solutions and came up using an additional jar. The jar holds the layouts and icons (or any additional file required). For next library versions will use more additional classes.
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