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Warning: this new version requires Java 7.

I added 3 functions:
- GetImageFileInfoByID(External As Boolean, ID As Long) As Map;
- GetVideoFileInfoByID(External As Boolean, ID As Long) As Map;
- ScanNewMedia(Paths() As String).
I updated the demo so it works with recent Android versions.


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[Chargeable]MSMySQL 0.30

Due to what the tester says it seems to be one of the fastest MySQL libraries available here in forum.
So i´m proud to announce it here now

This Library can be used to connect your Device to a MySQL database. The Library use a direct connection to the MySQL databaseserver.

Requisites: The Database must be accessible from "outside"
DisAdvantages: Due to the app needs the Databasecredentials (including username and password). There Credentials must be included in your App. I suggest using this Library only for private or company intern use.


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NanoTime - Uses the most accurate clock available on the device, resets on reboot so only really useful for working with elapsed time in an app.


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MidiSystem, create, load, play and save midi files and much more.


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Midi USB LookUpTable Provides friendly names for all of the Midi USB devices I could find, given their Manufacturer and device id's.


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Library dgUID released today!

dgUID is aimed at spotting a "reliable" way to get a unique ID to identify a device or an app's user.

dgUID library is based exclusively on Core and Reflection libraries, so it should be fast and slim.

It's made up of a collection of "building blocks", useful to assemble a customized solution, and a few ready-made solutions.
Current release (v. 0.20) is to be considered alpha, so please don't rely on any MakeXXXX function for your production code.

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